
Angels Without Wings: Real Men of Worth

“A real man is determined by his walk with Christ not his swagger of arrogance.” –  Tashma White


In a world of over two billion males, there are some that stand out among the rest. I met one such man on Thursday, prior to the Memorial Day weekend. His name was Michael and to my mother, Aunt Sheila and I, he was an Angel Without Wings.

You see, Mama and Aunt Sheila were visiting from out of town and we girls had spent the day site seeing.   Later that night after grabbing a bite to eat, we decided to head home.

On our way back, I had the misfortune of running over a blunt object, which tore a large gash in my right rear tire.   As the car staggered to a halt on the side of the road, we got out to inspect the damage.

Keeping a nervous eye on my easily frazzled mother, I tried to remain calm at the sound of the air whistling out of the slowly deflating tire.

Around this time, we noticed a policeman in a nearby parking lot observing us.  He was actually standing next to his patrol car and chatting with a young female.  Since he never offered us so much as a “Hello,” we knew we were on our own.   Before Mama could go into a full-blown panic attack (which I wanted to avoid at all cost), we slid back into the car and headed to a Gas station about 100 yards away.

Thankfully, the car wobbled its way to an abrupt halt in front of the Air machine at the Gas Station.   That’s when I noticed a tall; lean built man standing outside of the gas attendant’s open window.   He and the worker appeared to be chatting.   We quickly exited the car and fumbled through our purses to find quarters for the Air machine.   By this time, the man stopped talking and began watching us intently.

“Uaaargh…just what we need!” I sarcastically thought.   “Another man simply standing back and doing nothing while we obviously stranded women struggle with this tire.”   Oh but my Beloved Sister, how wrong was I?   You see, this was a different breed of man, I’m happy to report.  This unassuming guy was a gentleman.   He quietly approached us and asked if we needed help.  “YESSSSS!” we all said in desperate unison.  Praise the Lord for always having a ram in the bush!   As he began pulling the necessary tools from my trunk, he told us his name and that he was waiting to give his good friend a ride home from work.   As he continued to talk, I noticed how he spoke of the Lord throughout his conservation.   In no time, praise God, he had replaced the now flat tire with the spare and we were all set to go.

Aunt Sheila then tried to discreetly give him some money as a token of appreciation but he adamantly refused it. “Please,” she said humbly, “take it for being such a blessing to us!” After which he quickly gave the money back and said, “Then allow me to give you a double blessing so that God may continue to use me.”  

I silently watched the money being shoved back and forth.  After about a minute, Aunt Sheila finally admitted defeat and put the money in her pocket.   Grateful beyond words, I said, “Thank you, Michael.  You’re an Angel Without Wings: A Real Man of Worth.”  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” he asked.  “You’re an Angel Without Wings…A Real Man of Worth…thank you so much!”  I said.  “Oh no, ma’am!  It was no trouble at all,” he blushed and said.

Once home, I couldn’t stop thinking about the awesomeness of our Heavenly Father.  Only He can provide the solution before we even know there’s going to be a problem.   For instance, Michael was already at the Gas station before we arrived that night.  Regardless of the circumstance, only the Lord knows whom to send as an answer to our prayers, that includes our future husband.  Prayerfully, he will be a “Real Man of Worth.”   A living, breathing, walking masterpiece from God!   As rare as Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.   With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, I am now able to identify the characteristics of such a God given treasure.   As Single Daughters of Christ, we should know that A Real Man of Worth is revealed in four primary ways:

A Real Man of Worth Will Show The Fruits of the Spirit.  Because he is in relationship with God, he will display the Fruits of the Spirit.  These are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  As a man of God, he will demonstrate these qualities to all women, not just those in his family.

A Real Man of Worth Will Assist During A Crisis.   He will drop everything to be a blessing when needed.  You won’t ever have to ask for his help, He Will Offer It!  Leaving you stranded on the side of the road at the mercy of whoever may or may not stop to assist you is NEVER someone to consider for a relationship.

A Real Man of Worth Pays Careful Attention to You.  He will carefully pay attention to your moods, take note of any uncontrollable circumstances that arise in your life, etc.  Most importantly, will be there when you need him most.  He is a gentleman always, even after he’s gotten you!  If not, save yourself the future trouble and just leave him alone.

A Real Man of Worth Has A Servant’s Heart.  Above all, he will have a relationship with God.  Thus, he will understand how important it is to be led and used by the Holy Spirit.  Moreover, he will consider his servitude to Christ as a Badge of Honor, not a call of annoyance.

I am dedicating this Blog post to all the Angels Without Wings the Lord has created throughout this world (yes…there are many more out there!)  

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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