
A Sandman or Rock

In Matthew 7:24-27 NIV, Jesus tells us the man who builds his house on the rock will stand while the one who builds on sand will falter. Have you considered how this parable should apply to the men we date? Not really? You see, I believe when dating, we encounter basically two types of men: A Sandman or Rock.

Now mind you, the same principle applies to us women.   But, for the sake of this blog (whose predominant reader base are Single Women-in-Christ), we’ll discuss this theory from a female prospective today.  Psssst…hey gentlemen please continue reading, you may find this information useful as well.


Here are some signs that indicate whether you have a Sandman or Rock.

A Sandman has no real (spiritual) substance.

As you know, sand is a loose granular material.  Therefore, it can easily wash away during a storm because it has no foundation. This is similar to a Sandman, who will leave during the storms of life.  He’s not the kind of man who will stay once his woman loses her job, gets pregnant, goes broke, or have to downsize her lifestyle. Why not?  He has no true substance to sustain him.


A Rock is rooted in The Vine of Jesus Christ.   

In John 15:5a NIV, Jesus reminds us that, “I am the vine…”  Have you ever seen a large rock covered in overgrown vines?  It is obvious that the two objects are connected.  This same principle applies to a Rock (man), who is rooted in The Vine of Jesus Christ.   In other words, he will demonstrate an obvious relationship (connection) to God, as he is grounded in the Lord.


A Sandman will blend in with the world.

If you’re at the beach, it is impossible to identify one speck of sand from another. The same can be said about a man with a sand-like foundation.  He patterns his dress, speech and behavior from worldly idols like flashy ballers, as well as blasphemous celebrities and Wall Street legends.  He will care more about resembling their lifestyle than Jesus’.

A Rock will stand out from the world.

In a world of counterfeits, he will stand out like a priceless masterpiece.  When a rare piece of art is examined for authenticity, the first thing an expert will do is inspect the condition it’s in. Then they will look for markings to identify it’s original designer and the period in which it was created. When a man is a Rock, he will be in “good condition” because he will have the Spirit of the Lord on him. Most importantly, his private life will reflect the markings of our Holy Creator.

As single women of God, we have the luxury of choosing either a Rock or Sandman when we date.  So make no mistake, choosing the wrong one will mean a miserable relationship later down the road. Therefore, we must be very careful when saying “yes” to that future marriage proposal. There’s an old 50’s tune entitled, “Mr. Sandman,” originally sung by the Chordettes.

In the chorus of the song, the ladies sing,

“Sandman, I’m so alone.  Don’t have nobody to call my own.  Please turn on your magic beam.  Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.”

My beloved sisters, don’t waste your time and hope on a Sandman.  “What’s impossible with man is possible with God,” Luke 18:27 NIV.  If we seek and wait on Him, He will make our dream of true love into a reality. Furthermore, we won’t have to venture into the world to find it.  The Lord will bring us a love that is “Solid As A Rock!”

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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