
The Signet Ring

Ask the majority of women to describe their ideal engagement ring and most will include a large diamond in the details. Movie legend Marilyn Monroe once said, “Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend.” Given the fact that it is the hardest natural material, it’s no wonder the Greek word for diamond means “unbreakable.” Hence, the reason it has been a treasured gemstone regarding wedding rings for hundreds of years.

The largest diamond ever discovered weighed in over a whopping 545 carats.  Some prominent businessmen of South Africa gave it to the King of Thailand in 1990 as a gift for his 50 years of reign.  Thus, the massive diamond was named the “Golden Jubilee.”  There is, however, a ring more valuable than the Golden Jubilee and all other gems of this world combined. It’s none other than the Signet Ring of God! 

Historically, a signet ring featured a king’s seal or emblem on it.  Whenever the king would issue a new or revised declaration throughout his kingdom, he would simply dip his ring into candle-warmed wax and stamp the legal record along with his signature.   In this way, his loyal subjects would know that it was an authentic document.

Did you know that the Lord will make us like His signet ring? You didn’t? Truth be told, I didn’t either! In Haggai 2: 23b NIV, the Lord proclaims,“‘ I will take you, my servant Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” You see, when our focus is to please God in all things, the evidence of His influence (seal of ownership) will reflect in our life.  That’s how the world will know that we are “authentic” Daughters of Christ instead of forgeries. Therefore, when we give our life to Jesus, He tells us in Isaiah 43:1b, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.” Isn’t it great to know that God claims us as His?


Thankfully, once you commit your life to Jesus Christ, you can rest in knowing:

1. His promises are like diamonds; unbreakable, eternal

2. All sins of the past are forgiven

3. You contain God’s Royal Seal of Approval

4. He appointed you to represent His glory to the lost and suffering


Therefore, Beloved, regardless of what the world (i.e., an abusive boyfriend from the past, hateful parent or family member, jealous ‘so called’ friends, etc.) would have you to believe, fear not. You were not only chosen by name, but You were selected like the Royal Signet Ring of God!  Now, what in this entire world could possibly have more value than that?


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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