
What Does Your Billboard Say?

Many researchers will argue that advertising is the most powerful art form on Earth. More than $500 billion a year is spent on this industry worldwide. One form of marketing is through billboards. It is estimated that there are over 450,000 in the United States alone. Each one is a picturesque representation of a belief, event, organization, and/or product.

However, Beloved, did you know we women are somewhat similar to billboards? You didn’t? Here’s a thought. Billboards are designed to capture the interest of passing drivers. A highway advertisement created with a 3D affect will have more life-like images than a flat one. For example, I once saw an outdoor ad that resembled a real life river fall in the Rocky Mountains. On another occasion, I witnessed one with a gigantic empty roll of toilet tissue for a popular anti-diarrhea brand. 3D billboards can really drive home the point for consumers because they incorporate ‘real’ aspects of life. As a result, they are typically more memorable to speeding motorists.

In the same way, each of us has a personal “billboard” that evokes different types of responses from the people we encounter from day-to-day, especially men. First, wearing revealing (too shear or tight) clothing can suggest a message that says we are, “On the Hunt for A Male.” This type of behavior can also give the impression that we lack self-respect. Whether it’s true or not, is unfortunately beside the point. Fact is, how we dress does determine how people perceive us. On the other hand, if our attire eloquently says, “I Am A Respectable Lady,” than most men will respond to us in a respectful manner. As with every circumstance, there are exceptions. Therefore, if we should happen upon an offensive male, it’s best to simply ignore him and keep it moving.

Secondly, our body language can draw either a positive or negative reaction from men. Many of us have heard it said time and time again. When we are relaxed and, most importantly, accessorized with a friendly smile, we appear more approachable. Okay, here’s where I may need to clarify! I’m not suggesting you should grin at every male you see. You and I both know some are not worth our time of day. For instance, like that one who has a reputation for beating his girlfriends. My late great-grandmother would simply say, “He’s not worth the salt in a biscuit.” Considering there’s only a pitch of salt in an entire batch of biscuits, that’s not saying a whole lot! As Daughters of Christ, we should pray for a discerning spirit regarding all things, including the men we randomly meet. 1 John 4:1a says, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…”

Lastly, and most importantly, our relationship with God ultimately determines “What Our Billboard Says” to others. This partnership is only fostered when we study the Word of God and actively seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit. Then, and only then, will we promote the best forms of “Godly” advertisements a Daughter of Christ should demonstrate, the Fruits of the Spirit. According to Galatians 5:22-23 NIV, these are “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” If we are rude, abusive and ungrateful, we will most likely capture the attention of a man who is the same way. However, when we behave with the Fruits of the Spirit, we will most likely draw the attention of a “Godly Gentleman.” All in all, it is our appearance, body language, and relationship with God that influences what our billboard says to strangers. It can either scream desperation or quietly say, “Noble Woman of God.”

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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