
No Ordinary Love

If you’re wondering what type of business you’d like to own, you may want to consider one for Valentine’s Day. We “Americans spend about $277 million on Valentine’s Day cards alone, second only to Christmas. Overall, this one holiday is a $14.7 billion dollar industry.”

As we know, it is the one time of the year that places the most emphasis on couples. In return, if we allow, it can also be a particularly lonely and depressing time for those of us who are single. The key words here are, “If we allow.” Being a die-hard romantic, I’m the first to agree that there are few things more precious than true love shared between a husband and wife. However, until my destined mate comes, I refuse to waste precious time wondering about love in the future. I will, instead, focus on the fact that I am loved right now. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16 NIV.

You see the Lord could have easily ignored our need for salvation. In addition, He could have refused to offer His begotten son as a living sacrifice for our sins. As a sovereign God, He has the absolute power to do as He pleases. And yet…He didn’t!

So, my dear sister, bask in the knowledge of knowing YOU ARE LOVED! Our Heavenly Father’s ultimate gift of love more than proves this claim. Therefore, we mustn’t settle for a “fill in.” In other words, someone to “fill in” so we won’t be alone during special occasions like Valentine’s Day, our birthday, etc. Remember, Jesus loves you so much that He willingly gave His life for you. Once we understand our true worth, we don’t have to settle for just anything or, better yet, anyone! For we are blessed with “No Ordinary Love” because we are loved by “No Ordinary God!”


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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