
Glory Days

Many of us have used (or heard) the saying, “Back-in-the-Day or Old School.”   Another popular term is Glory Days, which are defined by the world as a “period in the past regarded as being better than the present.” 

Glory Days can mean many things to different people.  For a lot of men, the term brings back memories of their youthful dominance in sports.  It may stir up for some women images of a long forgotten tiny waistline, First Love, or carefree summers.

Regardless of when you may believe your best days in life were; the purpose of this post is to inform you that your ‘Glory Days’ have only begun!   So what if that high school or Prom picture may in no way resemble your Driver’s License today.  Okay, may be you did miss out on that chance to go to college after finishing high school.  I understand the hurt of wondering when you will recover from losing that home or high paying job.

But do you know what, Beloved?  Even with all of that, God is still in the Blessing and Restoration Business. How can I be so sure?   In the King James Version, Job 8:7 says, “Though thy beginning was small, yet they latter end should greatly increase.”  This same scripture in the New International Version reads, “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.”   Remember the previous description as set by the world, which defines Glory Days as a “period in the past regarded as being better than the present.” However, in this brief but significant scripture, the Lord assures us that our Glory Days are not sunken into the abyss of the past, but have yet emerged in our future.

So you see, it doesn’t matter what you left behind in yesteryear (last year or recent past). God’s Word promises that our latter days will be better than the earlier ones.  Now, this promise only activates when we do the following:

(1) Are obedient to His Will and Commandments,

(2) Apply His Word daily, and

(3) “G-l-o-r-i-f-y” Him all the Days of our life


Notice the letters “if” in the word Glorify are not bolded.  This is intentional because “if” we fail to give God Glory, we then block His promise that our “…latter end should greatly increase.”  


When we do honor Him…

Our love life shall greatly increase.

Our finances shall greatly increase.

Our peace shall greatly increase.

Our territory shall greatly increase.

Our successes shall greatly increase.

Our favor shall greatly increase.

Our anointing shall greatly increase.

Therefore Beloved, never hang your head down over what you have lost in the past.  We must, instead, rise up!   Give God Glory all the Days of our lives, for not only what He has brought us from, but also, where He is taking us. 

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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