
Return to Sender

We have come a long way since the days of delivering mail by Pony Express. This was the era in which a lone rider would gallop across the prairie to transport items by horse or mule. Other ways to ship mail were through boats and trains. Imagine how long it would take to receive an invitation for an event from another state? Nowadays we can receive invites from many sources like Email, Facebook, Skpe, Text Messaging, Tumblr, Twitter to Yelp, just to name a few.

Hands down, there are many ways we can receive requests for our time and attention. As Daughters of Christ we should always ask ourselves, “Is this person sincere or with evil intent?” For example, maybe you were asked to lunch by a co-worker only to discover he or she was a malicious gossip? Ever been on an outing with some ‘so called’ friends only to find out they just wanted to know your personal business? Without fail, people are never more interested in you than when you are quietly minding your own business. It goes without saying; we must be approachable and gracious as Children of God. Nonetheless, we do have the right to “Proceed With Caution.” In other words, have a discerning spirit in all things. Proverbs 18:15 NIV says, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out.”

Therefore, it is up to us on which delivered items we choose to respond and/or accept. Truth be told, if a person does not demonstrate Gifts of Righteousness; for example, kind-heartedness, encouraging, non-judgmental, humble, generous, grateful, hospitable, etc. than they are delivering Packages of Destruction. Some examples include, confusion, depression, discouragement, discord, drama, fear, grumbling, jealousy, or strife. These are worldly emotions created by none other than satan. Thus, sent to sabotage our daily walk with Christ.

The good news is that we don’t have to accept these Packages of Destruction. As Daughters of the Most High God, we can simply ask our Father to protect us from these types of negative influences and behavior. As this prayer is in accordance to the Will of God, we can then rest assure He will be more than happy to Return to Sender each and every stronghold. No matter where you are invited to in the future. Always remember to consider the source (or sender) of the invitation.



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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