
A Peak-a-Boo from the book, “The Unwed Wife”

Since launching my blog in January, many have inquired about my upcoming book entitled, “The Unwed Wife.” As a result, this year I am releasing three Peek-a-boos (or sneak peaks) from the book. The first of the three installments is listed below for your convenience.

The remaining two Peek-a-boos will be released during the fall and the final one this winter.

After taking a look, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

All the best,

From Chapter One- The Awakening
We live in a world that would have us to believe that aging is unnatural and any debts that result from living above our means are well worth it. Furthermore, standards of perfection are often determined by the size of our jeans and financial net worth. However, if you’re single; namely, unmarried or divorced, then you are perfect in my view. So what if you’re not a morning person or hate to share your favorite dessert, in which case we might be twins! Regardless of how you may object, Beloved. The reason you are ideal is because I wrote The Unwed Wife for you. In fact, it was designed with ladies of all ages in mind who no longer want to waste time on counterfeits. Moreover, they share one common theme: A desire to only date and marry a man chosen for them by God.

You may be wondering what makes me such an expert on dating? To be honest I am not! If you want the truth, my only natural expertise is sin. Any other talent that I may possess, such as writing, I must work at and nurture. But when it comes to transgressions, my portfolio of shame runs the gamut from former adulteress to fornicator. Even when I started writing this series, there were times in which I stumbled and had to ask for forgiveness. Today, I must die daily to my flesh in order to remain redeemed. In otherwords, I’m definitely a work in progress.

In spite of all this, imagine my horror when the Lord told me that I was going to write this book! I constantly worried how it would expose me (and possibly my family) to the wrath of non-believers and self-righteous church folks. One night during a period of prayer and fasting, I finally understood God’s revelation that it wasn’t about me; it was about my testimony helping others. Humbly, I cast my fears aside and tenderly accepted the Lord’s hand as He guided me to the Road of My Purpose. What is this specific purpose, you might wonder? It’s none other than to introduce or remind Daughters of Christ to “Have Faith in God.” Think about it! He’s the first one we seek when our parent and/or child is in the hospital. When we want a job, need a new car, have no money in the bank, we have no problem calling on the Lord. If we can place our hope in the Lord for these things, why not also trust Him for our future husband?

Consequently, I am free in the possibility that this simple hardback may work towards Kingdom Building by helping unmarried Daughters of Christ avoid the pitfalls of regret I fell into years ago when dating. I pray it will serve as spiritual nourishment to all who read it. And, most importantly, prove useful for any teenage girl, daughter, friend, cousin, niece, sister, mother, aunt, or grandmother remotely interested in the opposite sex. In fact, I would venture to say that we all know of someone who would read this manuscript and silently confess, “Uh…Oooooh…this applies to me!”

So you’re here, now what? Well go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Let’s have a nice chat about a topic every female thinks about at some point…dating.



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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