
The Invisible Woman by Tammy Camper

In keeping with my promise to honor Mothers this month, I have a treat for that Mom who needs a little inspiration! A Contributing Writer by the name of Tammy Camper wrote today’s post.  In regards to her background, she is a God-fearing woman for whom I have the utmost respect. This sister and her husband are raising their children with old-fashion principles, which can be traced directly back to the Word of God. Although no one but Jesus is perfect, I am a witness that her children are always polite and respectful; as well as, behave like they are appreciative of their many blessings.   Hence, the reason I asked her to write the message for Mother’s Day. The name of the piece is entitled, “The Invisible Woman,” and I pray you will enjoy reading it as much as I did!


I was catching up with a dear friend of mine whose husband has been battling cancer for the past two years now.   The good news is that he is feeling well enough this week for them to take a short out of town excursion along with their young son.  While she was excitedly talking about the trip, she made the comment, “Maybe he will see me there.  You know, sometimes I feel like I’m the invisible woman.”   I knew exactly what she meant.  And if you are a mom, chances are you probably know what she meant too.

As I was praying for her in my quiet time this morning, I found myself reflecting on all the “unseen” things we do as mothers.  The clean clothes that magically show up in the drawers and closets when needed; the pantry that is faithfully stocked with that favorite after-school snack; the lunch money, sharpened pencils, and permission slips that find their way into the backpack each morning; or the “taxi” that consistently drives back and forth to practices, games, and other social activities.   The list could go on for pages, but I know you get the point.

Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I hope the children and loved ones in your life took the time to show the special honor that you are due.   But, if they did not, I want to encourage you that the sacrifice you make for those the Savior has entrusted to you never goes unseen by Him.  The Bible is full of promises that a heavenly reward awaits those who persevere through this earthly life.  One such promise is found in Hebrews 10:36 NIV, “You will need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.”  So for all my fellow “invisible women” out there, rest assured that God sees you and I do, too.


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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