
A Mother’s Legacy

Hello Beloved,

This month, I am dedicating all posts to mothers.

The following is a poem that I wrote in honor of a little lady that I humbly thank God for everyday of my life. I pray you will enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!


Every blessing that I have in this life,
Is because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Even when this world tries to beat me down,
He lovingly picks me up and turns me around.
He gently pushes me to stay on track,
“As long as you honor me,” He says, “I’ll have your back.”
I’m grateful that He paid the ultimate price,
that day at Calvary where He laid down His life.
His gift of salvation has set me free,
So that I may now live eternally.
This is why I love Him so,
Because of Him my life has hope.

Oh, but He’s given me another priceless treasure,
worth more than this world could ever measure.
I praise the Only True Living God from above,
For my mother who’s as sweet as a baby dove.
She was created in the image of my Sovereign God,
So powerful, He could have shaped her from a single nod.
Only He, of wonder and might,
could have created Gail T. White.
I praise the Lord for His priceless treasure,
worth more than this world could ever measure.

Her descendents will know she loved the Lord with all her heart,
and that she introduced me to a Holy Savior from whom I will never depart.
This is your legacy Mama and I give God all the glory,
for making me apart of your life’s story.

Sunday, May 5th was my mother’s 63rd birthday. Thus, I thank You Lord, for the precious gift of her life and I’m grateful to You that she is still in the land of the living.

As the French would say, “Je t’aime, Maman,” which means I love you, Mama.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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