
The Gift of Peace

Contrary to popular belief, there are many great Dads through out the world. I would venture to say all of us know ones who are actively and positively involved in the lives of their child(ren). It could be your own father, son, uncle, brother, cousin, pastor, youth minister, co-worker, coach, or even the guy you are currently dating.

This Sunday, we will celebrate these well deserving men on Father’s Day. However, what about the days, weeks, or months after this special occasion? Should our appreciation for Dads be shoved into the corners of our mind like an old, forgotten sweater hanging in the closet? Or, better yet, should it remain constant like a frequently used bankcard? You see, Beloved, my purpose for asking such questions is to challenge how we view great fathers year round, not just for this one day.

Similar to wonderful mothers, it is easy to take these blessings for granted. When we do, our words of appreciation can soon turn into faultfinding insults. Women tend to blossom with a partner who appreciates them and readily offers support without having to be asked to do so. Men, on the other hand, flourish when they are trusted, respected and allowed time alone. This is why, according to a recent survey, many of them view peace as one of the most important aspects of an ideal home life.

Sure, we have every right to expect the men in our lives to be mature, thoughtful, hard working, and responsible. However, as Single Daughters of Christ, we should learn the skills of asking as opposed to telling, listening instead of always talking. Asking and listening are rare talents that men love. I am the first to confess that I fail miserably at achieving these goals on my own. Which is why they, along with prayer and studying the bible daily, are road maps to living a peaceful life. With the Holy Spirit as our guide, there is nothing we cannot achieve, particularly when what we desire lines up with the Word of God.

Proverbs 27: 15-16 NIV says, “A quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping on a rainy day; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand.” This passage describes a woman who has no self-control and can be embarrassingly unpredictable. As a result, the scripture is warning the man who chooses to marry her of a potentially long, miserable life. Most importantly, Beloved, it serves as a teaching point for us as Christian Women on how important it is for us to be loving and calm. Consequently, no matter what day it is, we will be able to give a gift that is treasured universally by men for a lifetime. It is none other than the priceless and precious Gift of Peace.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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