
Declaring Independence from Your Past

This Thursday will mark the 237th anniversary date of when our country first declared independence from oppressive British rule. But, what exactly is a Declaration of Independence and how is it relevant to our life as Daughters of Christ.

Declare means to “announce publicly.” Whereas independence is defined as “liberty or freedom.” As believers, we can now declare independence over that which has previously held us bound. Typically this enslavement involves a stronghold from our past. Examples can range from addictions (including food and sugar), sexual perversions, lying, gossiping, not being a good steward over our finances, to poor judgment in relationships, just to name a few. It is certainly not my intent to point fingers at anyone as I confess all of these sins are struggles for me.

Praise God, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can experience spiritual freedom. You see, once you give your life to Jesus Christ, confess and (gulp) repent of sins, you are no longer bound by the mistakes of your past. I don’t care which sins you’ve committed, or whom you sinned with. We are no longer shackled to the shame of our past. As a result, You Are Now A Free Woman In Christ! Don’t believe me? 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV, assures us that “therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Here’s our spiritual Declaration of Independence, right here! As the Lord has no respect of person, this promise extends to His Daughters as well.

That means the next time that self-righteous sister at church wants to know what happened between you and your ex-husband or boyfriend, remind her that there’s no need for you to say anything and declare…“I AM FREE from that relationship.”

When that nosey family member wants to know if you ever plan to marry and/or have kids, cheerfully declare…“I AM FREE from worrying about things I can not control, that’s up to the Lord.”

When that troublemaker calls to discuss the details of your job loss, or that recent gossip unfairly involving your name, inform them…“I AM FREE from that situation as I have given it to God.”

All in all, we have plenty to rejoice about, my Beloved Sister. Just think we no longer have to answer for our past! If God’s Holy Word promises that we are a “new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new,” then who on the face of this earth has a heaven or hell to place us in? So, hold your head high and allow the Holy Spirit to surround your mind with peace. For as Daughters of the Most High God, we have our Declaration of Independence. It is our Gift of Salvation, which gives us hope for a better tomorrow, and liberty from the mistakes of yesterday. Thus, NEVER allow anyone to make you forget that you are, “A Free Woman In Christ!”


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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