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Sadly, we do not have to search far to find evidence that much evil is being committed in these last days. That’s why perpetrators, who otherwise should be found guilty based on insurmountable evidence, are many times given a shrug of indifference and a nod to go free by our American Judicial Systems. These courts are often based more on biased perception rather than the sacred creed of “Justice for All.” The sinful nature of today’s world is also the reason why our daily news is saturated with stories of horrific fates. In addition, why the wicked and ungodly appear to have everything while humble servants of the Eternal Master are usually struggling to make ends meet. As Daughters to Christ, we must never forget that the evildoer’s number one purpose is to cast doubt in our minds about the existence of our Holy Creator. Which is why, as believers, we must fight the demonic forces of bitterness, depression and discouragement with the Sword of God’s Word.

Then and only then, will we gain the assurance that our Lord and Savior is still on the Throne of Mercy. Yes, at times, it might appear like He stands off at an uninterested distance but I want to assure you that He sees and knows all! This why Romans 12:17a NIV says, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil.” Why not, you might ask? Paul reminds us in Romans 12:19 NIV, “Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord”. As our Lord is not like man, when He makes a promise, you can best believe He will fulfill it, either in this life or beyond. This is why the next time you hear a shameful verdict, or personally experience unfair treatment, simply keep the faith and hold your peace. For there is no payment required of us to “repay evil for evil,” because we are watched over daily by a Heavenly Father who will eventually do it for us!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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