
The Danger of Convenience

In this modern era, we have been conditioned to believe that convenience is always good. And, it is in many incidences. Sure, it’s great to swing by our favorite restaurant and pick up dinner when we don’t feel like cooking. In addition, I must admit being able to drive my dirty car through the Car Wash is always a treat.

But what about the cases in which convenience is not a good thing? For instance, when we hire that friend to do our latest home improvement project in an attempt to save a little money. And unfortunately, they end up costing us triple the amount due to unprofessional behavior and a habit for wasting precious time.

Furthermore, let’s look at when convenience can be a hindrance within the Body of Christ. For example, how many of us know church officers who were unanimously elected purely for their professional careers, family relation, or next-to-perfect attendance record, rather than moral character? These appointments have more to do with convenience than the Will of God.

What’s more, the dating world is also not immune to the glittering shine of convenience. Even we Single Christian Women can fall prey. That’s why we sometimes settle for any male companionship simply for the convenience of having someone in our life. On the other hand, it is also the reason well meaningful friends may try to hook us up with that guy at church for one reason only, he just happens to be conveniently single.

Nonetheless, we Daughters of Christ must not allow ourselves to succumb to the dangers of convenience. Why not? Convenience will cause us to end up with a spouse that we have nothing spiritually in common with in order to finally be married. Additionally, it will have us living with a man who is not our husband just so we can save money on rent. Better yet, it will have us paying for our own romantic dates while in a relationship just so we won’t be alone for the holidays. These types of scenarios only occur when we permit fear and desperation to dictate our life over God’s appointed timeline. Psalms 37:34 a NIV says, “Hope in the LORD and keep his way. He will exalt you to inherit the land…” As a result, we don’t have to base our social life on the peer pressure of convenience. We can, instead, choose to wait on and trust in the One who not only controls this world, but the entire universe!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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