
Is God Your Genie In the Bottle?

Growing up, one of my favorite TV shows was, “I Dream of Jeannie.” The sitcom’s storyline was of a 2,000-year-old genie who was later discovered by a good-natured astronaut. In return for freeing her from captivity, the genie pledges her undying devotion to her new master. Every episode showed how the genie could only come out of her bottle when it was rubbed; thus, there had to be a need for her assistance. While out, the kind hearted servant often got herself into mischief. That is, until her master would reign her in and command that she go back into the jar once the latest mishap was resolved.

Although the show was based on fantasy, its basic concept is a teaching point for us spiritually. How so, you might ask? Beloved, have you ever tried to make God your genie in a bottle? To that point, a dear friend and I were chatting last week. During the discussion, she casually mentioned that she no longer treated God like a genie in a bottle. Intrigued, I listened while she further explained. She confessed, “ Simply wanting to pull him out when I needed Him only to put Him back when things are great.” She continued by stating, “Now I know I must call on him during the good times as well as the bad.”

“Wow, I have never looked at it like that!” I thought. However, it only took me a New York minute to realize that I, too, had been guilty of the same selfish mindset. I admit when things are good in my life; I don’t attempt to seek the presence of the Lord as much. I.e., when bills are paid, my manager is acting surprisingly sane, and drama takes a long-term vacation, etc. But, boy oh boy! Let an unexpected emergency bogart its way into my mental celebration of peace, and I’ll stalk the Lord with a vengeance. Thankfully, my much-loved friend helped me to see the self-centeredness of such behavior.

Instead to trying to maneuver through this Life of the Unknown, the Lord tells us in Jeremiah 33:3 NIV, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Beloved, if you are like I was and have been trying to make God your genie, it’s not too late to change! Do yourself a favor and understand He is always greater than any circumstance. This is why we should seek Him daily, not just occasionally. Consequently, should you desire a renewed mind and recharged faith, simply say the following prayer of repentance and be forgiven.


Most Everlasting God,
I come to you today confessing my sin of calling on You only when I need something. You see, as much as it pains me to confess it, I have tried to make You the servant and me the master. That’s why when I am sinking in despair, fear, and hopelessness I faithfully seek You. However, when things are going well, I tend to ignore spending time with You and Your Holy Word. Today, Heavenly Father, I desperately need this cycle to end! I repent of this sin and ask that You will forgive me. I want to gain a thirst for Your presence and Divine Will always, regardless of the day-to-day situation. For in Jeremiah 33:3 NIV, You lovingly instruct Your children to, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” I not only want to know these wondrous things, but most importantly, I want to humbly draw closer to You. In the most precious name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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