
Are You Ready to Stand Up?

The most amazing thing about the Bible is that familiar scriptures can sometimes yield new meanings each time we read them. Let’s consider the story of the Dead Girl featured in Mark 5:22-43 NIV. It tells how Jarius, a synagogue ruler, fell at the feet of Jesus and pleaded for His help because his little daughter was dying. Without a doubt, He knew that the Savior could heal his child. Before the Lord could even answer his plea, “some men came from the house of Jairus,” and reminded the desperate man, “Your daughter is dead. Why bother the teacher any more? Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, ‘Don’t be afraid; just believe.’” Mark 5:36 NIV.

When Peter, James and John arrived with Jesus at the man’s house, the Lord “saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly. He went in and said to them, ‘Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.’ But they laughed at Him,” Mark 5:38b-40 NIV. Here, Beloved Reader, is where the story begins to shift!

“After He put them all out, He took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with Him, and went in where the child was,” Mark 5:40 NIV. He then does something that moves me every time I read it. “He took her by the hand and said to her, ‘Talitha koum!’ which means, ” ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’ Immediately the girl stood up…” Mark 5:41-42a NIV.

What to know something amazing? Within the lines of this scripture are four priceless pearls of wisdom that will bless you with timeless inspiration.

1. Jesus Can Make Our Worse Critics Look Foolish.
Notice in Mark 5:36 NIV, a group of men reminded Jarius that his daughter was dead. Instead of showing compassion for his loss, they criticized him for “bothering” the teacher in the first place. In their minds, the situation was final and warranted no hope. Thank goodness we serve a God who will ignore our worse critics. Most importantly, He will reward us for our faith and change what others may perceive as a permanent failure into a life-changing victory. So, the next time someone wants to criticize your future potential, do yourself a favor and ask the following question. Who Has More Power, My Critics or My God?


2. What Man Discredits, Jesus Will Accredit.
To discredit means, “to cast doubt or prove false.” In comparison, accredit is defined as, “to give someone the authority or officially recognize.” Therefore, when Jesus told the man, “Don’t be afraid; just believe,” He was accrediting (or giving authority to) his faith. In the same breath, He was also discrediting (prove false) all those who doubted. Therefore, only God has the authority to grant life or death, not man.

3. The Lord Will Move People Out of Our Life In Order to Bless Us.
It is by no mistake that Jesus does not heal the little girl until after He put the unbelievers out. Today, this would include doubters, non-believers, naysayers, abusers, users, fake friends, jealous haters, etc. Sometimes, it’s not us who are blocking our own blessings, but those that we choose to surround ourselves with.

4. We Must Choose to Stand Up for God’s Blessings.
When we experience a major setback, it’s easy to want to give up. However, the Lord is ever-present. Consequently, our deliverance is always only a prayer away. Remember that when the evil-doer tries to steal your joy through disappointments, hurts and regrets. Take on the Confidence of Christ and know you can stand up against anything satan attempts to throw at you. Want to know why, my dear sister? Our Holy Father not only rules today but He reigns through out the eternity of tomorrows.

All in all, it doesn’t matter what our situation is today. Just like the dead girl in the story, we shouldn’t waste our gifts, time or purpose as if we’re asleep waiting for death. We should instead, with the Grace of God, stand up and grab a hold of every new promise life has to offer.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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