
Repost: Forget-Me-Not

When I was in college, I wrote a paper entitled, “Learning How to Love Yourself.”  In the six-page document, I claimed that this simple but significant feat was one of the hardest lessons every woman in life must learn.  In order to complete the course assignment, I presented the project to my class and professor for a final grade. Much to my delight, I received an “A.”

I was even more surprised a week later when my professor, who also happened to be the Department Chairman, requested I meet with him to discuss the writing in further detail.   Moments after arriving to his office, I was stunned to discover that he not only enjoyed the paper but wanted a copy of it as well. With bitter disappointment, I explained that I was so excited to receive my grade, that I had carelessly thrown the paper away once I received it.  He then asked what had inspired me to write on such a personal topic. Ultimately, I confessed “I have such a tendency to get so wrapped up in loving someone when I’m in a relationship that I forget that I must also love myself.”   He casually leaned back in his tall leather chair, looked me in the eyes and said, “Understandably so, Miss. White, even we men need a ‘Forget-Me-Not’ reminder every now and then.”

Although this conservation took place almost twenty years ago, I will never forget the significance of what it taught me. Regardless of our obvious differences, both women and men are capable of forgetting to love themselves. To be clear, it is not my intent to promote a conceited type of self-love.  The scripture plainly states in Micah 6:8 NIV, “And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

You see Beloved, what I am referring to is a Godly type of self-love!  What is Godly Self-Love, you might ask? It’s when you know that, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows,” Luke 12:7 NIV. Therefore, because God loves and cares for us, we must also remember to love and care for ourselves.   The Lord did not create us to be rundown, sleep deprived, overwhelmed, and neglected.  He created us to glorify Him through Kingdom Building.  If we are always disheveled, anxious and restless, how can we lead anyone to Christ?  Nonetheless, if we take the time to nurture ourselves, rest and live a life of peace, others will see that we “walk humbly with” God.   This will most likely encourage them to want to do the same.

Being that Thursday is Valentine’s Day, many of us will be busy chasing down gifts, shipping them and/or planning memorable activities for loved ones.   However, my dear, regardless of how much love you spread around this week, don’t forget to save some for the one who deserves it most, You! 



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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