
Repost: A Love Without Limits

Our world of today contains fewer limits than ever before.   When Orville and Wilbur Wright completed the first flight in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, it lasted a mere 12 seconds. Nowadays, there are flights that will take you around the globe non-stop in over 18 hours. Historically when one wanted to learn about a new culture, her only source to do so was through books. We now have every luxury from HD TV to the Internet with access to over 80 billion videos available each month at our fingertips.

The possibilities for encountering positive life-changing opportunities are endless.  With so many new and wonderful life experiences to be had, it’s hard to envision being in a relationship based on limits.   For example, maybe you date a guy who never plans anything special for your birthday, Valentine’s Day, work promotions, Mother’s Day, Christmas, etc.

It could be you love to travel.  Falling in love with a man who refuses to fly or even go on a cruise may mean a life of restrictive romantic getaways.   Perhaps you enjoy succulent international foods (i.e., African, Cuban, Ethiopian, French, Indian, Lebanese, Thai, just to name a few.)  If your companion won’t eat anything but burgers and steaks, you may have to adjust your idea of exotic candle light dinners.   Maybe you adore spending time with your love ones for the holidays but you like a guy who comes from a dysfunctional family.   If he is uncomfortable around your folks, you will be the one ultimately suffering in the end, not him.

As unmarried women, we have the choice to decide what type of man is worthy of our life long devotion and love.  We can either choose one that will force us to live within certain boundaries or not.  Essentially, the most important person you should worry about disappointing is You!  The Lord tells us in John 10:10b KJV that “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” 

The definition of abundant is, “plentiful.”  Whereas, the opposite meaning is “scarce.”  We are Daughters of a Heavenly Father who wants us to have a plentiful life, even in our relationships. When we settle on a man with limits, the quality of our love life becomes more scarce and/or limited.  The same way we should surround ourselves with like-minded Christians, is the same way we should date “like-minded” men.  When I say “like-minded,” I’m referring not only to spiritual like-mindedness but also similar lifestyles. Do not allow yourself to be deceived, only the world promotes the theory that “opposites attract.”  Therefore, you may say, “So what if he doesn’t plan anything romantic for me on Valentine’s Day?” In which case I would reply, “Beloved, as long as you know what you are signing up for long-term.” Being in love is a wonderfully, precious experience. Nonetheless, it’s our choice to either choose a union that could potentially become disappointing years later or A Love Without Limits. 


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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