
Repost – Just Who Do You Think You Are?

Have you truly ever asked yourself, “Who Am I?” For many of us, we often don’t know until we begin studying the Holy Word. Although written over 3,500 years ago, the Bible continues to enlighten, feed, heal, deliver, and sustain us even up to today.

Our personal thoughts are another source that influences who we become. They are powerful tools of mental persuasion and the truest form of communication with one’s self. An excellent read entitled, “As A Man Thinketh” by British Author James Allen, is based on the concept that as a man thinks of himself in his heart, so is he. This is why we must be ever so careful of what we believe and speak regarding our future. We should also take care to distance ourselves from folks who are bitter, drama seekers, and miserable. Just like laying in filth, their mess will smear and pollute us.

Instead of attending the pity parties that misery loves to host, we should strive for a more optimistic state of mind. Ephesians 4:23 KJV says, “…be renewed in the spirit of your mind.” Consequently, it easy to see why positive thinking is so vital to our well-being. What we focus on has a major impact on how we live our life. In one of my most favorite gospel songs titled, “Encourage Yourself” by Donald Lawrence, the songstress sings:

Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.
Sometimes you have to speak victory during the test.
And no matter how you feel,
Speak the word and you will be healed;
Speak over yourself,
Encourage yourself in the Lord.

When you think about it, we cannot speak victory until we can first envision it! Remember, as a man or woman thinketh, so he or she is. And, just how do we achieve this? It’s quite simple, really. We must choose faith over worry and fear. Be thankful of where the Lord has brought us from instead of only seeing where we are today. Lord knows I have been guilty of not doing this lately. I have been more focused on my current day circumstance than the reason or purpose behind my divine journey.

If you, too, are guilty of this Beloved, there is hope for deliverance! Our Heavenly Father will not only forgive our sinful acts but also sinful thoughts. Once you confess, ask for forgiveness and repent, you are then “renewed in the spirit of your mind.” Furthermore, Romans 8:16-17 NIV assures us that, “The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”

So, the next time satan or his agents ask “Who Do You Think You Are?” Hold your head high and proclaim, “I don’t think anything. I know that I am a royal Daughter of the Most High God and as His child, I will, through His Grace and Mercy, inherit His blessings!”

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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