
Who’s Sitting At Your Table?

Anyone that knows me can tell you I love enjoying a scrumptious meal.  It doesn’t matter if I cook it or someone else.  I especially adore sitting down to a beautifully set table. Delectable foods, candlelight, stirring music, pristine dinnerware, positive conservation, and unbridled laughter are elements to my favorite type of evening.   However, I don’t share these moments with just anyone.  There has to be certain level of camaraderie between me and my dinner mates.  One my beloved sorority sisters always says, “Everyone does not deserve a seat at your table.”  Meaning, we should be careful of who has access to those special moments in our life.

Not only do I agree but I also feel we should apply this mindset to our personal dreams as well.  In other words, we shouldn’t reveal them to just anyone either.  I believe our dreams (or visions) often contain hidden Seeds of Purpose, eagerly awaiting an opportunity to take root in the fertile mind of our imagination.   When we surrender our life to Jesus Christ, those seeds become watered by “rivers of living water,” blossoming into Fruits of Purpose.   John 7:38 NIV says, “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

 As Children of the Most High God, each of us has the potential to achieve amazing things in honor of our Lord and Savior.  But it’s our responsibility to protect those declarations from corrupt influences and hindering naysayers. For example, becoming a writer was a dream I admired from a distance for many years.  Unfortunately, when I confessed this desire publicly, I allowed some people’s negative views to strangle my future ambition.  I permitted their obvious skepticism to shred my fragile confidence. Reality is, there are many people, some of whom we love that intentionally choose misery over happiness and are incapable of ever being happy for us.  No matter what we do! Nowadays when someone attempts to slash at my future objectives with the dagger of pessimism, I block their attacks with the Shield of Faith and Sword of Truth (Word of God.) Thank goodness, when people believe we’re “not good enough,” our Heavenly Father will prove “He’s great enough” to help us overcome any worldly obstacle.  The Word assures us in Luke 1:37 KJV, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”  Encourage yourself by declaring daily that, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13 NIV.  If God ordains it, no man can restrain it from coming into existence.

Therefore, Dear Heart, if our Eternal Father has given you a vision, diligently seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit on how to transform it from an idea to reality.   Don’t forget, our dreams often contain Seeds of Purpose.  In order for those seeds to grow into Fruits of Purpose, we must plant and harvest them.  That’s why we must be careful of who’s “sitting at our table” of life.  Ask yourself, is this person a friend or foe?  Rest assure, their actions (not words) will identify them as one or the other.  They will either reveal a friend who supports your future endeavors or a foe who sabotages them.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “Who’s Sitting At Your Table?

  1. Wanda Williams

    My dear Tasha; as always, I’m always inspired and uplifted by the words the Lord gives you as food for our souls. Thank you for your continued obedience! Many blessings be upon you; I pray, in Jesus’ Name!

    1. Tashawhite

      Praise God!! Although I am not worthy of the honor, I’m humbled to serve the Lord through my writing. I’m clear, these are not my words but those of the Holy Spirit. Your support means the world to me. Thus, I am ever so grateful for your time and interest.

      Most sincerely,

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