
When Less is More

The other day while washing my hands at the sink, Claudia, our company’s perky custodian, came in to clean the bathrooms.   When our eyes met in the mirror, we smiled and greeted each other.  Then I asked, “How are you?”  To which she  passionately replied, “ I’m good, I love my job and have no complaints!”  I noticed she used her right hand to slash across the air to emphasize the words, “No Complaints!”   “Wow, Claudia…praise God, that’s a blessing!” I said in awe.  “Yes, it is a blessing. I love what I do!” she beamed. “That’s because you choose to focus less on what you don’t have and more of what God has already given you.” I quietly stated. “Exactly!” she agreed with a brilliant smile before turning to begin her work.

As I walked back to my office, I shook my head at the wonder of Claudia’s inspiring words. She, who encountered only God knows what when cleaning our Women’s and Men’s restrooms, never complained. In fact, I realized in that moment that I had never seen her without a smile on her face.  And yet, how many times a day did she hear my colleagues whine about their jobs, workload, etc.?  We, who didn’t have to work endless hours in an unventilated area when the building’s air conditioning went out.  We, who had office chairs that we could return to while we worked.  We, who were only responsible for cleaning our own areas, not three levels of office space the size of a football field.  I instantly felt ashamed because I knew I, too, belonged in that group of whiners. “My God…please help me to focus less on my wants and more on what I have today!” I suddenly prayed.

Beloved, have you, too, ever been so caught up in the promise of tomorrow’s blessings, that you fail to see what you have right in front of your eyes? If so, you’re not alone!  Fact is, as long as we live, there are always going to be things that we desire for our life and/or family.  However, we must never fail to recognize the blessing of ‘right now.’  Paul reminds us in Philippians 4:11b-13 NIV, … for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” 

Whatever your situation today, dear heart, just remember that our God is able!   

  • He is able to deliver us when our enemies think we are cornered.
  • He is able to heal us when the doctors have given up all hope.
  • He is able to provide when the Checking/Saving accounts say zero.
  • He is able to protect our loved ones when we can’t reach them.
  • He is able to bless us with a job of choice.
  • He is able to make that dream of a business into a reality.

Our God is always able blow our minds with His greatness.  For only He is able to turn today’s ‘less’ into so much more than our future wants!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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