
Are You A Victim of Spiritual Identity Theft?

Every minute about 19 people become victims of Identity Theft in America. According to one source, “Only 28% of identity theft cases involve credit or financial fraud. Phone, utility, bank and employment fraud make up another 50% of cases.” Recently, I, too, became a victim but not in the way you may think. No, my identity was jeopardized by a spiritual theft, none other than satan (I refuse to capitalize his name).

If you read last week’s post, “How to Defeat the Enemy in the Workplace,” today’s message serves as a Part II continuation. For the past six weeks or so, I’ve been trying to balance the weight of a monstrous workload with restless nights of sleep. Suffice to say, I’ve been failing miserably. I have been trying to do my best, but the more I worked, the heavier my plate became. To be fair, my colleagues have also been battling heavy caseloads lately. In fact, my supervisor confessed to me on Friday that she was so mentally drained that her mind had shut down against her will. She simply couldn’t think anymore.

How does all of this relate to Spiritual Identity Theft, you might ask?

Here’s how…

  • You see my identity became a target when I forgot who I am in Jesus Christ. I allowed the tribulations of this world to, instead, identify me. I began to become easily overwhelmed, flustered and doubtful of my capabilities to accomplish my growing tasks.   I failed to remember John 14:27 NIV in which Jesus promises, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
  • I focused more on what I can achieve by myself, which amounts to nothing, instead of what I can achieve with God…everything!  I did not meditate on Job 5:9 NIV, which tells us, “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”
  • I begin to seek out man’s approval (management, colleagues, clients, vendors, etc.), instead of the Heavenly Father’s. All I needed to do was read over Proverbs 29:25 NIV, which says, “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.

After making more effort to have quiet time with the Word and my God, I am thankful to say that I’ve gained my identity back. Thank You, Jesus!

Were you to ask me today who am I? I will tell you with confidence…I am the Daughter of the Most High God! He is the only Lord of Lords and King of Kings!

Perhaps you, too, have been battling with Spiritual Identity Theft. Have the challenges of your profession beaten you down? Is that Executive so nasty that she or he makes your job ‘A Living Nightmare’? If so, Beloved, stop worrying and return to trusting the Lord. Never forget that our Holy Father sees and hears everything.  Most importantly, that He is our Vindicator against all who wrong us!

Gain your identity back by saying out loud the following prayer: 

Dear Glorious Father,

I confess that I have been allowing the devil to steal my identity!  I have taken my eyes off of You and placed them on mortal beings for their approval. I ask that You will forgive me for permitting fear, desperation, and worry to defeat me. I repent of these sins in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Most Exalted One, only You can cause me to be untouchable to my enemies. Only You can cancel every poisonous attack aimed at me, my family and friends by dark principalities in high places.

First, I plead the Blood of Jesus over our jobs, finances, workstations, telephones, computers, cell phones, radios, televisions, cars, trucks, ministries, and businesses (present and future).  Secondly, I plead the Blood of Jesus over every roof that we stand under, walls that surround us and floors that we walk on. Thirdly, I plead the Blood of Jesus over our relationships with our supervisors and co-workers. Lastly, I declare and decree a life-long deliverance from Spiritual Identity Theft.  In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen! Selah!  


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “Are You A Victim of Spiritual Identity Theft?

  1. Wanda Williams

    Hello again dearest Tasha. Once again God has allowed you to “wow” our hearts and minds with something that we’re faced with daily – the ability to be thankful for and focus on what we have instead of what we don’t. As you reminded us that Paul encouraged us to be content in whatever stage we’re in; I find myself having to work on that. Thank You Lord for reminding us of Your Word and how You want us to show Your goodness to the world.

    1. Tashawhite

      Indeed, Elaine! Trust me when I say, I truly needed this as well. I thank God for His “teachable moments” that remind us of how truly blessed we are in life. Praise our Holy Father for His infinite Grace and Mercy!

  2. Wanda Williams

    These messages are sealed in the blood of Jesus and I/we receive them all in Jesus Name!! Amen and Amen!! Dear Tasha, thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to flow and speak through you!!!!

    1. Tashawhite

      As always, thanks so much, Elaine. Isn’t it wonderful to know who we are in Jesus Christ; particularly, when the world would have us doubt His existence! I’m so thankful to have Him in my life. In addition, I’m grateful to have you, as well. 🙂

      Most sincerely,

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