
Driving in the Dark

In 2006, American country band Rascal Flatts released a remake of the song, “Life Is a Highway” for the Disney animated movie Cars. Over 3 million copies of the song have sold. What made the melody such a hit was its great tune and catchy chorus. One line in the verse reads, “Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long!”

The reality is, we are all on an unknown voyage. Sure, the songwriter uses the word “highway” as a metaphor for journey, but there is a clear distinction between the two.   How so, you might ask? A highway is a paved surface whereas a journey may consists of unpaved and bumpy paths. Whether we’re on a highway or journey, it’s always good to know where we are going.

When we go through life without seeking our Heavenly Father’s guidance, it’s like ‘Driving in the Dark.’ The old folks used to call this, getting ahead of God. This type of behavior will only yield two options for us. We will either run into trouble (I.e., have an accident) or won’t get very far. Consequently, I’ve learned that it doesn’t pay to move unless you have directions on where you are going.  That is, it doesn’t pay to make decisions in life outside the Master’s Plan. More to the point, instead of up and quitting that job you no longer like, don’t drive in the dark, ask God for direction. Do you desire to move soon?  Don’t drive in the dark, go to our Almighty King on how and where you should go. Still not sure about going back to school? Don’t drive in the dark, go to the Savior for your confirmation. Uncertain whether or not you should go into business with someone? Drive by the light of our Eternal Father’s wise counsel. Matthew 6:33 NIV tells us, But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”  “All these things” means whatever your heart most desires.

All in all Beloved, no matter where we head on this “Highway of Life,” we can choose the best route.  One that has no tolls (prices to pay) or detours (delays).   As a result, let’s not end up on a dead end street!  We should, instead, drive with the ‘Guiding Light’ that will allow us to see our way safely to our purposed destinations.  Just how do we do this?  By asking ourselves, do we want to continue to do things the hard or smart way?  In other words, we can only avoid ‘Driving in the Dark’ by living by God’s Will, not our self will.


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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3 thoughts on “Driving in the Dark

  1. Sherretta Lewis

    God is using you in a mighty way. The journey is already mapped out for us. We try to take short cuts, go through trails, cut through the pastures to get where we want to be…not where he wants to lead us…thanks for this….I will stick to God’s GPS…

    1. Tashawhite

      My Beloved Friend,

      All praises to the Most High God! It’s a honor to be selected to serve in His Kingdom Building Army. Indeed, your words are so true and on point. May God continued to bless you with favor and prosperity.


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