
How to Enhance Your Natural Beauty

Last week, a senior executive came to my office and shared with me how much he appreciates the ‘gift of my smile.’ He continued to floor me by saying, “I just wanted to thank you for your grace and spirit.”  Being that he’s also a retired pastor, I was humbled. His words moved me beyond belief; most likely because I knew I didn’t deserve them. But, I was so very grateful nonetheless.  Who knew he’d even noticed me?  I remembered one of Mama’s favorite sayings, “When we have the blessing of life, that’s all the reason we will ever need to smile.” Mr. Harp will never know how his thoughtfulness inspired me to write today’s blog post.

Fact is, dear heart, a genuine smile is a natural beauty enhancer that surpasses all man-made cosmetics. It’s sad to think that most women spend billions each year to improve their appearance but can’t afford a free smile. It is the God given way in which we share our natural beauty.  I believe as Daughters of the Most High God we should be the first to offer our smiles of greeting.

Sure, the reality is, you can’t smile at everyone because some folks are silly enough to get the wrong impression. Since you know who they are, you can easily ignore them. But, let’s consider those who don’t fit in the “Silly” category?  Are you sharing the warmth of your smile with them?  How about that person who let you get ahead of them in line at the grocery store? How about that postman who faithfully brings the office mail?  How about the greeters at church?  Do you return their hospitality with a smile?  If not, Beloved, it’s never too late to start.   I can’t tell you how many times someone has encouraged me through the kindness of a genuine smile.  I can tell you, however, when they do not.

As Ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we should be mindful of the power of a sweet smile. If you have been guilty of not doing this lately, don’t worry, you’re in good company.  I, too, have a habit of frowning for days when I allow bills, work stress, scheming co-workers and family frustrations to attack my peace.  Truth is, I shouldn’t though and neither should you.

Here’s how someone once described the 2 ways in which God answers our prayers:

  1. He says no and gives us something better.
  2. He says wait and give us the best.

Proverbs 10:28 NIV says, “The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.” So remember Beloved, no matter the circumstance or challenge, endeavor not to allow it to dampen your joy.  For if you do, it will truly cause the world to miss out on one of God’s greatest creations; the natural beauty of your smile.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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