
I Am Free!

I recently traveled to Atlanta with some friends.   While there, we visited the new Center for Civil and Human Rights. It is a gorgeous, two-story building, which epitomizes Modern Design. Its clean, simple and serene interiors are made from materials like bamboo, oak, metal, chrome, and glass.

One of the best features that the 80 million dollar structure offered to us was an opportunity to record an audio or write a brief statement about our visit to the center.   Overwhelmed by the heart wrenching images that surrounded me, when it became my turn, I calmly wrote the following words, “I Am Free.”

At that precise moment, I became uplifted as I pondered over God’s grace and mercy. Only He had been there to lead our ancestors from slavery to freedom.   I was so moved, the only words I could formulate were, “I Am Free.” Yes, our nation still has so far to go before we ever reach true racial equality for African-Americans and other minorities. However, I am thankful that there is a freedom that no man or woman can ever take from us…our freedom in Jesus Christ! 

With that said, I Am Free from past mistakes.

I Am Free from regrets.

I Am Free from people who dislike me.

I Am Free from people who have hurt me.

Sure, I confess that there are strongholds that I still struggle with (I.e., Claustrophobia, Speaking Before Thinking First, etc.), but I know none of these are of God.   These failures are solely mine. However, no matter what happens, Beloved, I now pledge to live a Life of Freedom. In other words, I will no longer be hindered by fear, insecurities and other spiritual bondage. If you, too, have been bound, be encouraged, dear heart.   2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV assures us, Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

So, even though it’s Monday, let’s be thankful for the gift of our redemption. For we are no longer held down in the slop of our sins. Praise God, we have been cleansed and freed by the salvation of our Holy Father, Jesus Christ!




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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