
The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Today’s blog is simply Food for Thought. During this Christmas season, many of us will purchase numerous gifts for our co-workers, friends and family. We might even hear about an outlandishly expensive item that a celebrity might give to their child and/or significant other. However, none of these superficial things can compete with the “Gift That Keeps on Giving.”   What exactly is that, you might ask? It’s none other than the Gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

You see, our materialistic society would have us to believe that today’s most valuable gifts require the use of cash, credit, debit or gift card. But, none of these possessions can anoint, avenge, bless, comfort, deliver, heal, or prosper us.  Sadly, that purse that cost a small fortune today will be out of style within three years. Those designer shoes that abuse our toes and feet will be forgotten at the back of our closet in less than five years. Not so with the Gift of Jesus Christ! This priceless treasure blesses us with not only life but one full of purpose. It yields benefits far beyond the dollar sign. Some examples include favor, joy, peace, and protection.

Beloved, as we prepare to finalize our shopping list during these last four days until Christmas, let’s do our best not to get caught up in manmade commercialism. It will only create a tsunami of debt anyway, if we’re not careful. We must never forget that we, although unworthy, inherited the real “Gift of this Season,” one that is free of charge!  Make no mistake, it did come with a price tag that none of us could ever afford. I just thank God it was already prepaid on our behalf with the Blood of Jesus Christ over three thousand years ago. 2 Corinthians 9:15 NIV says, “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” That’s why, Dear Heart, we should always celebrate our most valuable gift with praise and worship. For it is none other than our Majestic Lord and Savior, the one true “Gift That Keeps on Giving!”        

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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