
How Big Is Your God?

I don’t know about you but I can be an atheist’s worse nightmare. I adore sharing about the greatness of our God. Don’t let me get started telling you about what He has done for my loved ones and me! I’ll tell you that my life was so low at one point that I almost lost the will to live. Thank goodness God is bigger than depression. I’ll explain how a little over a year ago, I was so sick that I was afraid to sleep for fear of waking up not being able to breathe.  I am grateful that God is bigger than any illness. I’ll explain how the magnificent “I AM” changed my speech from “I Want” to “I Have”…“I Need” to “I Received”“I’m Lonely” to “I’m Loved.” He also changed the “How Much Longer Must I Wait?” to “He’s Right On Time!”

You see, my confidence is no longer dependent upon a man loving me, manager or colleagues’ approval, finances, job title, or material possessions. My confidence comes from the fact that Jesus Christ is bigger than any circumstance. Sure, I still have insecurities, probably more than most. Nevertheless, when we choose to stand firm and allow the great “I AM” to become our compass, there is no limit on how far we can go. Psalm 47:2 NIV says, “For the LORD Most High is awesome, the great King over all the earth.” Are you struggling with a difficult decision that you must soon make? Or, do you feel abandoned by those you love? Maybe you are being taken for granted or overlooked for a promotion at work? Could it be your children have treated you worse than any enemy?

Whatever it is, Beloved, just remember our Holy Father is “The Great King over all the earth.” As a result, everything on this earth, and I do mean everything, is under His sovereign rule. This includes that selfish boyfriend, bill for college tuition, backstabbing co-worker, hard-headed child, difficult parent, hostile sibling, uncaring spouse, rude supervisor, and much more. So, my friend, when demonic agents come into your life to kill, steal and destroy, remember the following three things:

(1) Grab your bible.

(2) Read Isaiah 40:12 NIV for it reminds us of our Master’s greatness.  “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens?”  Not one has done these things but our Majestic Ruler.

(3) Then command the enemy to flee, for our God is bigger than any worry of this world.




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “How Big Is Your God?

  1. Michelle

    Great post! I had to learn the hard way because people take your kindness for weakness. Instead of retaliating, I learned to let go and let God. It takes too much time to plot and get even. It takes away from your purpose as a child of God. “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”. Romans 12:19.

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