
Next In Line!

If you ever had your Driver’s License renewed or went to the Post Office to drop off a package, a common phrase that you most likely heard was, “Next In Line!” It’s a simple command that permits the person next in line to proceed forward to receive service. Sometimes circumstances in life can make us feel like we are waiting “Next In Line” for a breakthrough. I know this has certainly been the case for me! Perhaps you too, have been searching for a sign from the Holy Father to move forward.

If this sounds familiar, Beloved, than I pray today’s message might be of some use to you. Reality is, today’s society thrives on instant gratification and ready-made solutions. This is why 30-minute meals are so popular. Many of us neither have the time nor the desire to prepare a four-course meal during the workweek. Hence, a delicious dish prepared in no time for our families is a true example of convenience. But not all things can be solved by a microwaveable solution. Every now and then, we must simply wait for our deliverance.

Maybe you are waiting on healing in your body or for a new car to replace your old one? Perhaps you’re counting the days for Mr. Do Right to finally show up and explain what took him so long? It could even be you’re waiting on a new home to call your own?

Regardless of why we are standing in the Line of Faith, dearest, there are three things that we can not forget while we wait:

  1. We must have patience. “But, I’ve been waiting for years! How much longer?” you might want to scream. Whatever you do, please don’t do that. When author William Langland wrote, “Patience is a virtue,” in the 14th century, he wasn’t kidding! You see, Beloved, patience is a choice, not an option. That’s why the majority of us don’t have it. Nonetheless, Psalms 25:3a NIV assures us, “No one who hopes in You (the Lord) will ever be put to shame.”
  1. We must stay in line. Few things are more frustrating than waiting in line for a long time, jumping out, only to later come back and have to start the process all over again. In order to have a testimony, we must first pass the test! Our demands to speed up time are as useless as someone trying to stop the tides of the ocean from moving.   Both will always be beyond our human control, whether we like it or not.
  1. We must first get in line. This is the most important aspect when considering the Line of Faith. We must decide to stand and wait on the Lord. No matter how long it takes.   If we never decide to get in the Line of Faith in the first place, we will never get our breakthrough.   I don’t know about you but I’d rather wait for God’s deliverance rather than fall into Satan’s pit of hopelessness.

No matter what you are waiting for today, Sweet Love. God has not forgotten you! Focus on incidents where He has proven His faithfulness in the past. Afterwards, rest in the confidence of knowing He can do even more for you in the present and future.   Then, before you know it, you’ll hear the voice of our Almighty Savior declare that you are, in fact, “Next In Line!”




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “Next In Line!

  1. joyce e mccall

    Great Great Great!!! Oh yes sometimes we do not be as patient as we should. However , I never stop believing in HIS Word and HIS promises. Thnks again for a wonderful and uplifting piece.

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