
Repost: Chosen Detours

It is estimated that there are more than four million miles of road in the United States. One expert suggests that, “if these roads were straightened into one, they would go around the world over 200 times.” While traveling on our Spiritual Road of Life, we will experience many unexpected turns and twists.   Circumstances that we inevitably encounter beyond our control.

However, under the influence of the flesh, we can purposely choose detours on our spiritual journey. The word detour means to “deviate from a shorter, more direct route.” In other words, a detour will delay or sabotage our progress, particularly spiritually. Consider how our sins are like chosen detours. Examples may include bad relationships or unholy alliances (dead ends), backsliding or addictions (wrong turns), as well as, disobedience, shacking, fornication, etc. (grid lock traffic).

Sure, God will make us the Guest of Honor at our own Feast of Deliverance. Ahhhh…but don’t forget to note that we must first be in order of His Will!   Unlike our Mama or Daddy, our Heavenly Host will never compromise His standards for our mess. Therefore, it is one thing to commit unknown sins. On the other hand, it is something entirely different to submit to them by choice. When we do, we intentionally block blessings from our life. Think of it like creating life-threatening potholes or, better yet, endless traffic jams on a spiritual highway that leads to our God given purpose or destiny.

The bible warns us in Proverbs 28:13 NIV, “He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” Coming from someone who has and continues to struggle with all kinds of shameful and secret sins, I can truly testify to the goodness of this promise.   Sure, it goes without saying, “…all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23a NIV. And yet, the Lord in His infinite grace will not hesitate to extend His hand of mercy to each of us.   No matter what we’ve done or whom we’ve done it with. When we repent of our sin and turn away from it, our Heavenly Father will forgive us. Then, and only then, will He make all rough places on our Spiritual Road of Life smooth. Thus, enabling us safely maneuver around any road blocks or detours set up by the evil one to delay or cancel our eternally appointed destination.


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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