
Repost- Who’s Sitting At Your Table?

I believe our dreams are just like babies. They should be cherished, nurtured and cultivated. Furthermore, you cannot trust everyone around them. The same way a responsible child grows into a productive citizen, so, too, will a dream that bares the Fruit of Purpose. Once it comes to fruition, it is productive to the Will of God. What exactly is the Fruit of Purpose, you might ask? I describe it as a dream (or vision) gifted by the Holy Spirit to us as a natural talent intended for Kingdom Building. Consequently, demonstrating Fruits of Purpose.

For example, becoming a writer was a dream I admired from a distance for many years. Unfortunately, when I confessed this desire publicly, I allowed some people’s negative views to strangle my future ambition. I permitted their obvious skepticism to shred my fragile confidence.   Thank goodness, when people believe we’re “not good enough,” our Heavenly Father will prove “He’s great enough” to help us overcome any worldly obstacle. He allowed writing to become much more than a creative outlet for me; it also became a Saving Grace. This experience reaffirmed my belief that all things are possible for them who love the Lord.

As Children of the Most High God, each of us has the potential to achieve amazing things that honor God. But no remarkable thing can occur without a remarkable vision. However, we must be careful not to share our aspirations with everyone we know. We must be careful of who is sitting our table? Reality is, there are many people, some of whom we love that intentionally choose misery over happiness and thus, are incapable of ever being happy for us. No matter what we do! Nowadays when someone attempts to slash my future dreams or ambition with the dagger of pessimism, I block their attacks with the Shield of Faith and Sword of Truth (Word of God.) Beloved, have you also had an unwanted guest at your Table of Hope? If so, there is a way to politely excuse their negative presence from your Feast of New Beginnings.

Simply mediate daily on Philippians 4:13 NIV, which says, “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” Then, as time goes by, you will enjoy your Celebration of Purpose without even caring about anyone’s pessimistic opinions or mindset.





Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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