
All Thanks

Yesterday was such a gorgeous day that I decided to take a leisure walk. In order to get outside my apartment complex, I had to exit through a side door near the pool area. As I neared the gate, I noticed a guy was walking behind me talking on his cell phone.   Patiently, I waited for him to catch up with me so that I could hold the gate open for him as well. Much to my dismay, he went right pass me through the opening that I held for him without saying one word of thanks. Instantly, my flesh rose up as I silently thought, “How Rude!” Feeling very indignant, I looked at him and sarcastically said, “You’re Welcome.” As I walked ahead of him, I shook my head at his lack of manners. After I got a little ways down the street, I heard a voice say, “You must forgive him.” In my mind I thought, “No way, that was uncalled for and so very rude!”

Then I heard, “Have you always taken the time to thank God for every door He has opened for you?” By this time, I knew that voice belonged to the Holy Spirit. It continued to ask, “Do you always thank Him in the mornings for waking you up?” “Sometimes…I don’t,” I honestly pondered, “particularly if I’m running late.” “Do you always thank Him for allowing you to make it home safely?” My response was, “Regrettably, no.” “How about every time you open your refrigerator and see that there is food to eat? Do you thank Him then?” By this time, I started to get the picture. I had judged the man for being rude, when the harsh reality is I am just as guilty.

Essentially, the Holy Spirit showed me that the guy felt entitled to have me wait and hold the door open for him. However, in return, when I do not acknowledge and/or praise God for His blessings (no matter how small) I’m no better than the man that I judged!   Rests assure, I eventually repented and asked for forgiveness. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 KJV tells us, “In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Beloved, have you, too, been guilty of not giving “All Thanks” to our Heavenly Father. If so, don’t worry! You can begin right now by saying this simple prayer.

“Holy Creator, I apologize for not always honoring You for my blessings. I repent and ask forgiveness of this sin. Sometimes, I’m moving so fast, that I don’t pause and say, ‘Thank You, Jesus for your daily blessings over my life and the lives of those that I hold near to my heart.’ You comfort, keep, nurture and protect us, even when we are not aware of it. Therefore, Glorious Father, please open my eyes to always see the evidence of Your presence in all gifts. Please also give me a heart of worship and a tongue full of praises for You. Most importantly, please give me a desire to please You above all others. It is in the mighty and miraculous name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.”

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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