
Dry Land

The Red Cross estimates that half of the American population can not swim. This guesstimation would mean over 160 million people are vulnerable when near bodies of water like pools and lakes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 10 people drown every day. Many people refuse to learn how to swim because they are overwhelmed at the thought of not having a solid surface underneath them. Hence, they fear that they won’t be able to stay afloat and may possibly drown.   Others are traumatized by what may lurk in the depths while they swim overhead.

Often times, maneuvering through life’s circumstances can make us feel like unskilled swimmers struggling in turbulent waters. I know for me, I have experienced devastating trials through out my life. Some, so hurtful that my spirit of faith threatened to sink in a watery grave of depression.  Thankfully, I am always able to regain my footing (eventually) through prayer and focusing on the Word of God.  Maybe you are currently trying to learn how to survive through a tsunami of troubles? If so, sweet love, I pray today’s post will serve as encouragement for you.

Truth is, we have a ‘dry land’ or higher ground that we can cling to in the mist of any storm. This shore is none other than our Heavenly Creator. He provided a ‘dry land’ for the Israelites during their most challenging hour. Psalms 66:6 NIV says, “He turned the sea into dry land; They passed through the river on foot; There let us rejoice in Him!”

I don’t care how high the waves of tribulation may rise in our life, Beloved. The same God that delivered the Israelites, can, too, save us. All we need to do is have faith, patience and trust in Him who controls all things in this world and beyond. So, my friend, no matter what river of trouble we may need to cross this week on our jobs or at home.  Jesus is the only source of ‘dry land’ we will need in order to reach the Shore of Deliverance.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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3 thoughts on “Dry Land

  1. Wanda Williams

    Thank the Lord again dear Tasha for your wonderful delivery of God’s Word and love!! Continue on in the Lord and in the power of His might….let Him keep using you to bless us all!

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