
Kiss the Son

Big or small, our lips are probably the most undervalued part of our bodies.   Most of us know the importance of the heart and respect the power of the brain. But, have you ever thought about the significance of our lips? I confess I never had until I considered writing today’s message. You may wonder why in the world would I be discussing lips in the first place.   If so, stay with me please, I promise I’ll get to that shortly!

Now, we all know what lips are but do you know why we even have them in the first place? Our lips are useful in many ways. First, we use them to gain access to food. They enable us to get the food into our mouth. For instance, babies would never be able to breast feed or suck a bottle without the assistance of lips. Secondly, these visible organs contain many nerve endings, which help us to acknowledge when something is cold, warm or too hot. Thirdly, we need lips to articulate sounds and various languages. Lastly, we use lips to draw closer or demonstrate affection to someone we care for and/or love.

Let’s look at the subject of lips from a spiritual standpoint. Last night, I came across Psalm 2:12 NIV, which reads, Kiss the Son, lest He be angry and you will be destroyed in your way, for His wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him.” After reading this, I thought, “Just how do we actually, ‘Kiss the Son?’” Then it hit me!

In order to kiss anyone, we must first get access to him or her.   Similarly, we gain access to our Heavenly Father by praying and consistently studying The Word. Our lips help us to acknowledge when something is cold, warm or too hot. To ‘Kiss the Son,’ we must acknowledge His presence in every aspect of our life.   Just like lips help us to articulate sounds, we should constantly speak or articulate the praises of our Lord and Savior. Lastly, kissing demonstrates affection for someone. We can show our affection by drawing closer to Jesus Christ through our obedience and worship.

All in all, Beloved, we may not be able to see our Holy Creator, but we can still kiss Him!

We do this by accessing Him through the Word and always acknowledging His presence. In addition, we must articulate His goodness to unbelievers for Kingdom Building and bare evidence of our affection for Him through our daily obedience. Then and only then, can the Almighty God be well pleased that we are truly, “Kissing His Son!”



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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