
Rise to Purpose

Yesterday, many of us attended a Resurrection Sunday service with our families. One common message that most likely resonated through our churches was the story of Jesus’ resurrection. The word resurrection is defined as “the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead after His crucifixion and entombment.” However, the story of God’s sacrifice shouldn’t end there. In fact, this should be the beginning! Truth is, the Lord did not give up His life for us to live only for ourselves. We have a duty to rise to our purpose for Kingdom Building. Okay, so maybe you’ve yet to discover your true purpose. If so, that’s okay, don’t worry. Our Holy Father has already taken care of your need. How so, you might ask?   He tells us in Jeremiah 1:5 NIV, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set up apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

You see, what I now know is that Kingdom Building does not have to be on a large scale. Let’s face it, not all of us were meant to stand in a pulpit before thousands to proclaim the Word of God. We can, however, assist with Kingdom Building on a smaller perspective. For instance, I have a good friend who is a hairdresser. She shares testimonies of God’s greatness with her clients. That’s rising to the purpose of Kingdom Building! I also know a lady who orders extra copies of the devotional booklet Our Daily Bread and hands them out in her community. That’s rising to the purpose of Kingdom Building! In addition, there’s a wonderful couple that I adore who often invites co-workers to visit their church service and home for dinner. Once there, they share in the goodness of God. They truly epitomize the Spirit of Christian Hospitality. That’s rising to the purpose of Kingdom Building!

So, you see, my Sibling-in-Christ. Resurrection Sunday may be over but there is still much work to be done. Let’s not allow our Savior’s gift to be in vain because of our own selfishness. We all have a responsibility of Kingdom Building. No matter how big or small, each of us has something to offer. Hence the reason I am so thankful to the Lord for gifting me with this blog. It allows me to also work in my own small way towards Kindgdom Building.  Just remember, Beloved, in the same way Christ rose again to save us, we must also be willing to help save others. For we were never meant to glorify ourselves but to rise for a purpose that will bring honor to our God.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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