
Are You Preparing Your Fields?

This weekend, I saw a video clip where an older man tells a younger one about a story of two farmers who both prayed to God for rain. One went home and immediately “prepared his fields” for an incoming storm, while the other did not. As you might have guessed, it was the one who “prepared his fields” that received the blessing of rain.

There have been numerous times that I prayed for “rain” during the dry periods of my life.  Now for the purpose of this post, the word “rain” is symbolic of any major need.   For instance, when I needed a new car, job, healing, or protection for my family, etc. However, it wasn’t until I “prepared my fields,” that I actually saw the Hand of God move. You might ask, what exactly does it mean to “prepare your fields?” I define this term as faith beyond a shadow of doubt. So much so, that no one and nothing can sway your mindset otherwise.

For example, I remember when I lived in Maryland and had applied for a job at the Discovery Channel. The date was January 1, 2003. Now you may be wondering, how in the world does she remember the exact date? Well, Beloved, I’ll be happy to elaborate. This date is permanently engraved in my mind because it was New Year’s Day. My then husband and I were sound asleep during the early morning hours. Suddenly, I felt a presence at the foot of our bed and woke up. I looked around the moonlit room but didn’t see anything. All of a sudden, I flinched as I heard someone clearly say, “Get up!”  Startled, I turned to look at my now ex-husband, who was obviously still asleep. For some bizarre reason I wasn’t afraid and thought to myself, “I must have been dreaming?” As I lay there for a few seconds, I realized I wasn’t going back to sleep no time soon. “Oh, goodness,” I pondered, “I might as well get up,” and went into the other bedroom and logged onto the Internet. As the computer started up, it was as if something spoke to my consciousness and said, “Go to Discovery’s website and check their jobs.”   I shrugged and thought, “What the heck? It can’t hurt.” When I did, I noticed there was a job posting for a Benefits Administrator. “Ohmygoodness!” I exclaimed.

After I read the description, I realized the job was a perfect fit for me. The next day, I excitedly told my husband about me applying for the position. Shockingly, he looked at me with a disapproving frown and said, “Don’t get to your hopes up, Tasha! Do you know how hard it is to get into Discovery?” he continued. “ I know you’ve been wanting to work there for years but they simply don’t hire from outside.”   With a smile of humbleness, I looked at him and gently said, “I know…but I have faith that they will this time.” You see, by then I recognized the voice I heard late that night was none other than the Holy Spirit. After several weeks had passed, my husband came home to find me cleaning out our basement. He asked, “What are you doing?” With perfect peace, I looked him in the eyes and said, I’m organizing this now because I won’t have time to do it when I start my new job at Discovery.” He immediately warned, “You’re setting yourself up! When you don’t get it, don’t come crying to me!” he threatened. A few days later, I came home with a large stack of groceries.   As I struggled to bring them in from the garage, my husband sat in his favorite chair with the strangest look on his face. “Do you have something you need to tell me?” he suddenly asked. “No,” I said as I attempted to balance the heavy bags. “Are you sure?” he asked again. “Hmmmm….no, nothing that I can think of,” I assured him. “Well, you have a message from Discovery on the voicemail and they want you to come in for an interview,” he informed me. “What?” I exclaimed, almost dropping the milk!

Suffice to say that I not only went on the interview but the Lord blessed with the job. Hebrews 11:6a NIV says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God…” I truly believe He rewarded me because I had the faith to “prepare my fields.” After I started with the company, I found out that the pre-dawn hours that I submitted my resume was the very first day the position was posted. In other words, I was one of the first to apply for it. Now, you talk about the favor of God!

Dearest, maybe there is something that you are praying and believing God for in 2015? If so, I stopped by to encourage you to walk in the Confident of Christ. Luke 18:27 NIV tells us, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Be encouraged and continue to send out your resume for that new job, save money for a car or house, plan for a business, etc. I don’t care what it is! You must be willing to step out in faith and “prepare your fields.” Then watch the Glory of God manifest in your life as He showers you with the rain of an incredible blessing!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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7 thoughts on “Are You Preparing Your Fields?

  1. Maria Thurman

    Let all God’s people say AMEN (it is so). Thank you for this post! It is so encouraging to me and the Body of Christ.

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