
What Do You Love Most About Your Mother?

With Mother’s Day approaching this weekend, I have decided to do something a little different for today’s message.  Dearest Reader, I’d like to invite you to post a comment telling us, “What You Love Most About Your Mother.”  May I suggest, once you’ve posted the remark, please feel free to send your awesome mom this website address ( so that she may bare witness to what you’ve written.

For those of you whose Beloved Mothers have gone home to be with the Lord, it would be an honor for me if you would please post a comment as well.  I truly believe all outstanding moms, existing in this world or beyond, deserve a position of timeless respect in our lives.

With that said, I’d like to kick off this literary event by dedicating the following comment to my very own wonderful mother, Ms. Gail T. White:


“Mama, I know there are many who still doubt the existence of the Lord. However, in my heart, I know He lives!  How so you might ask? Only an amazing God could have created and blessed me with such an amazing Momma.   Proverbs 31:29 NIV describes you perfectly for it says,Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’  I will praise God for you now and always.  Love eternally, Tashma.”


Who would like to post a comment next, please? 🙂




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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4 thoughts on “What Do You Love Most About Your Mother?

  1. Gail White

    To My Family of Strong Women on Mother’s Day…….
    Life has never been perfect. It probably never will but, I will never ever lost hope, because I know I am a descendant of strong women who stood by me. My, mother gave me life, my mother, grandmother, and aunts, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me, fought for me, but most of all loved me unconditionally.

      1. Raquel

        What I LOVE most about my mother, is the LOVE she has for her family, her unrealized beauty and her drive to keep going. My Mother like all of us, is not perfect, but she is the perfect gift from God whom I have been blessed to have had all the days of my Life. I have always felt Love because of my Mother. I have watch her beauty change from her youthful gaze to her aged patient glare. I have watched her continue to get up when it would have been easier to just stay down. I hope my Mother knows that I have Loved her all the days of my Life and I hope she knows how much I Thank God for choosing her as my perfect Mother and cherish all that she has shared with me each and every day of both our lives.

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