
Does Your Trust In God Have An Expiration Date?

Few things in this world last forever. Scientists now speculate that even seafood and free access to air will become extinct in the near future. Whether it’s your favorite foods, latest technology or hit TV sitcom, everything has an expected timeline. Today your car may be running smoothly, in thirty years, it may not. Not to be morbid but even life has a limit.   I think we can all agree that we live in a world of expiration dates. As a result, many people try to maintain as much control over their lives as possible. Hence the reason, the majority of believers struggle with Letting Go and Letting God. It can be hard for them to completely hand over their trust to the Lord, especially during a difficult circumstance. They, in turn, offer Him their trust but only for a limited time. It other words, it (their trust) has an expiration date. Quite frankly, there were times in my life in which that’s what I did.   If our Almighty Father did not move as fast as I thought He should, I would then foolishly try to fix the situation myself. The problem with that approach is things instantly went from bad to the absolute worse.   Yes, I am ashamed to admit that I dared to believe that I knew better than God. What an incredibly absurd thought!

A source defines trust as the “hopeful reliance on what will happen in the future.” I was born in a poor neighborhood called The Projects. For the first ten years of my life, I heard my mother declare and decree that the Holy Father was going to some day bless us with a house.   After awhile, I would disrespectfully but silently say to myself, “Okay, Momma…yeah…yeah…I’ve heard this all before!”  Until one day, she came home from work wearing an expression of stunned joy. You’ve guessed it!  She informed my brother and me that the Lord had answered her prayers and blessed us with a home.   May I say it wasn’t just any house either? This home would be built on land that has been in my mother’s family for over 100 years!

Beloved, I now understand whom better to trust my future with than the One who controls it? A daily affirmation that I have recently begun saying out loud during my prayer time is, “Lord, You are all that I have and yet, You are all that I need!” Consequently, the more I say it, the more it resonates with my soul.   This simple statement helps direct my faith to only one source, our Savior. While at the same time, it nurtures my trust in Him, which grows stronger with each passing day. James 1:6a NIV warns when we ask, we…“ must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.”

Dearest, have you recently placed an expiration date on your trust in God? Perhaps you’ve been in prayer for something and your deliverance is taken longer than expected. If so, please stay encouraged.   We must never forget, no matter how long it has been, our breakthrough will come to pass.  For God is still in the ‘Miracle Making Business’ and the Blood of Jesus Christ will never lose it’s power!


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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