
Is Your Alarm Ringing?

On Thursday, June 18th, I had an extremely busy day and was really looking forward to an early night of rest. For some weird reason, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t fall asleep.   Shortly before Midnight, I received an email from my bank notifying me that there had been some suspicious activity on my Checking account.   Apparently, someone had hacked into it from Montreal, Canada and made a number of unauthorized charges! Frantically, I called the phone number listed in the email and confirmed that I was in Texas during the time of the transactions. Therefore, I could not have possibly incurred those expenses.

After I got off the phone with the bank, I began to pray. For the past three months, God has truly been dealing with me on the issue of completely trusting Him.  I knew this was a test. Also, there was no other place that I could run to for help. Mama couldn’t assist me; besides, she was in North Carolina. Most importantly, I didn’t want to call and worry her that time of the night. Everyone else I knew, would be sleeping as well. Right then and there, I instantly decided that I was not going to flunk my test. As a result, I collected my fragile faith and gently placed it in the palm of the Master’s hand.

Nahum 1:7 (KJV) says, “ The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.”

A sense of peace unexpectedly settled around me like a warm blanket on a cold and rainy night. I knew it was the Holy Spirit surrounding and comforting me. Stress fell off me like lose dirt wiped off a plastic tablecloth. Suddenly, I realized that’s why I couldn’t go to sleep earlier that night. If I had, I would have missed the email from the bank. It was as if the Holy Father was ringing an alarm that only my spirit could hear. It was a warning that something was wrong!  I can not tell you how thankful I am for His faithfulness.   He truly watched over me that night, as He always does.   Today, I am happy to report that I was reimbursed all the money that the thefts had stolen.  All praises to the Most High God!   It really does pay to trust in our Savior.

Beloved, have you positioned yourself to hear from God during the time of trouble?   Perchance you are considering marrying someone and you’re not sure if he’s right for you? The Lord could be ringing the alarm! Maybe your son or daughter desperately wants to share something with you. However, they can’t because you won’t make the time to listen. The Lord might possibly be ringing the alarm!   Perhaps that person or co-worker you think is your friend is really a foe. Are you listening for God’s alarm? Just how do we position ourselves to hear from the Lord?

Step 1: First, we must be obedient to His Word.
Step 2: Pray; being specific of our need.
Step 3: Ask for God’s Will.
Step 4: Trust in Him…completely!

No matter the circumstance, dearest, when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ, He will have our back, front, sides, top, and bottom. He, through the Holy Ghost, will warn us when satan attacks. Thus, ringing an alarm that only our spirit can hear.   However, it is only when we are obedient to listen that He will turn the heaviness of our fear into weightless tears of joy.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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