
Trust Without Shame

Yesterday, I came home after church to change my clothes before heading out to grab a bite to eat. Unbeknownst to me, the battery in my Honda Accord had other plans. After slipping into some comfortable clothing, I headed out to my car. Once inside, I turned the key in the ignition. A few dimmed lights flashed across the dashboard, then everything went dead. Surprised, I tried once more and again nothing. “Oh God, no!” I said to myself, “Please Jesus…please!”  Unfortunately again, no response. My mind abruptly went blank as I began to panic!   I knew I didn’t have enough juice in my battery to drive to the nearest NTB (National Tire and Battery) Service Center, which was about 15 minutes away. Then I suddenly thought, “Oh, I know…I’ll call AAA!” Thankfully, I had just renewed my membership on Thursday. I almost fell out of my seat from shock when I heard the Holy Spirit say, “No, not this time…trust in the Lord.”   Now, I have to be honest, this didn’t make much sense to me either…at first!  However, it has taken me the better part of 43 years of life to finally understand that I am never disappointed when I am obedient to the Voice of God. I do, however, always regret when I am not!  I also knew that I have been praying for a breakthrough regarding a few things for this year.   As a result, our Heavenly Father has been really working with me about completely letting go and trusting Him.

In obedience, I resigned myself to the fact that I would not be calling AAA after all. I know…sounds crazy, huh!  Nonetheless we must remember, Beloved, that God’s ways are not like ours. Then I started repeating, “Lord, those who trust in You, will never be put to shame! Those who trust in You, will never be put to shame! Those who trust in You, will never be put to shame!” Although I couldn’t remember the exact scripture, I knew I had read the basis of this passage before.   To verify, I looked it up on my phone.  Psalms 25: 1-2 NIV reads, “To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in you I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.” I must have read this about three or four more times before the Holy Ghost whispered, “Now, try again.”

This time when I turned the key, the car zoomed to life. It was as if the automobile had never been dead in the first place.   Not only did the motor start, but I was able to safely drive to NTB and purchase a replacement battery.

When I look back over this incident, I now see that the reason I wasn’t supposed to call AAA was so God, not man, could get the full glory of this testimony.   In addition, to remind me to trust Him.  So, dearest, no matter what happens to you on that job today, or how nasty that supervisor might be, keep your head up, and release it to the Lord. For when we truly trust Him, we will receive the victory and never be put to shame!



Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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