
Are Your Gates Open?

When I was younger, I loved watching Scary movies. The crazy thing is that I would watch them even though they gave me nightmares for days.   Today, I’m happy to report that I no longer have any interest in horror flicks.   I’ve since learned that as a Believer of Jesus Christ, we have to be most careful of what we watch and listen to in our daily life. Sounds like a bit much, huh? Okay, then think of it this way. We are constantly bombarded with images that influence ‘our thoughts, decisions, and emotions.’ These messages often convey themes of adultery, envy, fornication, greed, idolatry, lust, pride, vanity, and whatever else you can imagine. Believe it or not, these things do have an adverse affect on our Spiritual Gates.

Let’s pause here for a moment.  A gate is “a means of access or entrance; a doorway, portal or exit.” According to one source, Spiritual Gates “give access to our Spirit.”   They are defined as, “our thoughts, decisions, and emotions.” In addition, we also have gatekeepers. These examples include “our eyes, ears, feet, mind, fingers, etc.” Now, you may be wondering, just how does our ‘fingers’ concern our Soul? Well, it’s quite simple really. It is with our fingers that we click on news stories, posts, Chat Rooms, games, and pictures via the Internet that will either have a positive or negative impact on our thoughts and/or actions.   That’s one way our fingers are considered gatekeepers and the mind is liken to a Spiritual Gate.

I’ll give you another example. About seven years ago, my best friend began monitoring all music that she listens to, whether it was in her home or car. When I first heard about her omission, I confess that I thought it was pretty extreme. Now, I realize she was actually on to something. Ephesians 5:15 NIV says, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” It continues to say in Ephesians 5:17 NIV, “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

In order to be ‘very careful’ of how I now live, I have to make sure I close my gates. I’m mindful of what I see and hear. As a single Christian woman, this is essential. Otherwise, my thoughts could become hindered, which could sabotage my celibacy. Trust me, this has happened before.  When we know better, we should attempt to do better.  Let’s be clear, I sin everyday!   I just try not to struggle with the same sins over and over again. Well, that’s not exactly true…there is my ongoing gluttony for sweets, and much more, I’m afraid. Nonetheless, Beloved, maybe you, too, have never thought about the significance of your gates and how they impact the Spirit? If not, don’t worry. When we strive to live a life pleasing unto our Lord and Savior, we always have good news!

We can avoid the devil’s efforts to plant Seeds of Destruction in our mind. However, we must be selective of what we allow to enter through our eyes, ears, fingers, and feet. This does impact our actions. Just remember, the information that enters through our Spiritual Gates, while here on Earth, will either help or hinder our access to most important gates of all, those that lead straight into Heaven.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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2 thoughts on “Are Your Gates Open?

  1. joyce e mccall

    Astounding and true. It is a daily task. Like you said “When we know better, we do better”. Staying positive can be a feat, but I’ve learned with God’s word as our guide we can make it through many days. We do have down time, we are human; but with His word we are found. Thanks again!

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