
What Is the Flavor of Your Praise?

This year, I joined a new church.   I not only enjoy the teachings of our Senior Pastor but I have grown to care for some of the members as well. One particular Faithful Servant of God is “Ms. Phyllis.”   She is an older lady with silver white hair, cropped in a classic cut. Her makeup is always flawless and the Jewel tone of her stylish clothing always accentuates her creamy mocha complexion.   However, she is never without her most admired accessory, her beautiful, beaming smile. To me, it lights up the entire podium on those rare Sundays when she gives the Church Welcome to our visiting guests. She performs this service with such spiritual grace, as if she’s having the best time of her life. Her unique style of welcome is sweetened by the joy of knowing God.   I have witnessed how her testimonies of praise can inspire an audience to rise and give the Lord a standing ovation for His greatness.

You see the most amazing thing about Sister Phyllis is that she has terminal Cancer.   Although she must use a rolling walker (decorated with festive flowers, of course), her joy for life and love of Christ is as strong as steel.   Yesterday, she shared with our congregation that the disease has spread to her lymph nodes. And yet, she gave this paralysis without any hint of self-pity.

As I watched her leave the stage, my heart ached with hurt and sadness. Suddenly, tears pooled in the corners of my eyes and escaped down my cheeks. As she made her way back to her seat, she never stopped smiling. The peace of the Holy Spirit covered her like a veil. Her faith was as obvious as an exquisitely handmade shawl.

“Does she have any idea how much her courage inspires others?” I wondered. “Lord, I’m not even sure I could be that strong!” I silently confessed. I felt ashamed at how often I have permitted work, co-workers, supervisors, family, so-called friends, men, naysayers, etc. to taint the Flavor of My Praise. In doing so, it would turn from succulent to bland. Nonetheless, I now understand what Sister Phyllis and David share something in common. Psalm 34:1-2 KJV says, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” When I think about these two people, I shake my head at our Heavenly Father’s mercy.   I consider how Sister Phyllis has life-threatening cancer but she refuses to allow the mass of tumors to deem the brightness of her praise.   David was unjustly persecuted by his own son, Absalom, as well as, King Saul. And yet, he made the decision that nothing would sabotage his thanks onto the Lord.

Dearest, have you at times, like me, been guilty of allowing a hurt, disappointment, or unfair treatment to affect the Flavor of Your Praise? If so, it’s not too late to get your taste buds back! James 1:1-3 KJV tells us, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptation; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” Whenever we get tempted to throw ourselves a Pity Party, we should think about Sis. Phyllis. A woman who according to the world; only has a short time to live.   And yet, she never overlooks an opportunity to praise God! How many of us would be able to encourage others if the doctors told us we only have a short period to live? And, let’s not forget about David for he was a man after God’s own heart. Even though, he was mistreated by those he loved. Truth is, my sweet friend, no matter what happens; yesterday, today or tomorrow. We must remain steadfast so that nothing, and I do mean nothing, can ever dull the Flavor of Our Praise unto God!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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