
Will Your Room Be Empty?

Years ago, I read an email that told the story of a man who had died and awoke in the presence of God, inside His holy temple.   The King of Kings brought him to a room full of exquisitely wrapped presents. Curiously he asked, “Lord, what are these for?” The Almighty Creator sadly looked at him and said, “These were to be your rewards for working on behalf of My Kingdom.”  The Eternal Ruler continued, “but you neither sought Me regarding your Spiritual Gifts nor had the time to listen when I tried to reveal them to you.” He concluded, “As a result, you missed out on an abundance of blessings while on Earth.”

The man wept with bitter regret and shame. He knew inside each one of those lavishly wrapped boxes were the keys to the many successes that he dreamt about but had never achieved.   For instance, instead working two jobs for most of his children’s life, had he used his Spiritual Gifts, he could have received the “blessing” of a debt-free lifestyle. As a result, spending more quality time with his family before he died. He also knew that in place of that miserable marriage with his wife, had he used his Spiritual Gifts, he could have received the “blessing” of a loving and blissful relationship.   As a replacement for spending the majority of his life battling with self-worth and depression, had he used his Spiritual Gifts, he would have received the “blessing” of peace and fulfillment as he served God through his divine purpose.

Let’s pause here for a moment. Truth is, God can bless us, regardless if we work for Kingdom Building or not. However, Proverbs 16:3 NIV says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” In other words, you will have favor in all things, not just some. Imagine if something like this story could actually happen to us in heaven? “Will Your Room Be Empty?” I don’t know about you, my brother or sister, but I want everything that God has for me in this life and I do mean…E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!   How about you?

The list of Spiritual Gifts are as follows: Prophesying, serving, teaching, encouragement, contributing to the needs of others, leadership, and showing mercy (Romans 12:6-8 NIV).

If your gift is encouragement, someone…somewhere needs the inspiration that only YOU can give!   One of my dearest friends in Maryland uses the Gift of Serving through her delicious cooking. How does preparing a meal have anything to do with Kingdom Building, you might ask? She began a ministry at her church to feed the homeless in Southeast Washington, DC! While recipients eat, they are also nurtured through the Word of God. In another example, I have a “Texas Sister” who opens her home on the 3rd Saturday of every month to host a powerful but intimate Women’s Prayer Circle.

Personally, that is similar to what I strive to do, with the Grace of God, through this weekly blog. It is a small way to encourage Siblings-in-Christ through my love for writing. Someone else might decide to contribute to the needs of others by regularly donating new socks to a local nursing home. Each pair of socks might have a simple bible verse taped to it that the staff could share with the residents. So, you see, dear heart…our contribution to the world does not have to be huge, just purposeful! In this way, we will not only make our Heavenly Father proud. We’ll also be able to spiritually unwrap and, most importantly, enjoy the rewards of His unlimited blessings.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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