
Turn Your Pages

My mother, brother, aunt and I recently finished reading a book regarded as a masterpiece of American literature.  It is none other than the Pulitzer Prize Winner, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee.  Many people had already browsed the pages of this classic tale; perhaps you are one of them.   It was a first-time read for us.   Being an avid reader, a good book is like when the weather suddenly becomes wonderfully cool and breezy on an unbearably hot day.  A great book, at least for me, is a work of art like Ella Fitzgerald singing “Summertime,” Nina Simone’s musical flow of “Feeling Good,” or John Coltrane’s rendition of “My Favorite Things.”

I have often equated this journey called life to the pages of a book.  Each day, month, season, and year creates chapters in which we have lived or periods of time.  For anyone who has ever read a decent paperback, you know the only way to enjoy the full storyline is to “turn the pages” of the book.  In other words, you must move forward in order to get to the desired ending.  Sure, you can always jump ahead and read it.  But, that only cheats you of the dynamic details of the plot. You could also skim ahead to gather the gist of the story.  Nonetheless, that’s like wearing a shirt that is missing most of its buttons.  You can still wear the garment but the overall style of your look will be off.

Just like in reading, staying on the same page will not get you anywhere.  This could also be said if you’re only reviewing the previously read pages.  You’ll only end up in the same spot where you last left off, hence nowhere. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV assures us, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” 

Dear heart, do not allow the mistakes of yesteryear to demean and bully you.  Once we give our life to Jesus Christ, “the old has gone.”    It took me years, I do mean years, before I was freed by this powerful revelation.  So what you got pregnant and dropped out of school.  Got back and finish.  Dig into the Word of God to learn how to turn the pages within your own book of life.  Okay, so you always wanted to pursue a law degree but didn’t, it’s not too late…Turn Your Pages!  Maybe you are still suffering from the pain of that devastating divorce.  My dearest, you are not the first woman in this world who has endured the trauma of a separation.  I, for one, can certainly empathize.  Nevertheless, I survived it through the strength of the Holy Spirit and so can you…Turn Your Pages!

Ultimately Beloved, what I’m trying to convey is the past is the past. Do yourself a favor and let it go! Stop living with the stench of regret.    The good news is today and tomorrow are uncharted territories, just like the unread pages of a book.  The only thing preventing you from enjoying life is…you!  Don’t keep standing in the same spot wondering why nothing has changed.   Simply make the choice to move forward and Turn Your Pages.  Only then, will you, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, transform your present day into an even better tomorrow.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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1 thoughts on “Turn Your Pages

  1. Ms. Joyce-

    Tasha, I want you to know how proud I am of your work. Most recently, Turn the Pages, was tailor made for me. I realize this is true. So everyday, I strive to make every effort to move forward. Thanks for this particular piece! I feel God is now saying Move Ahead, so I’m trying to swallow all the many facets of being where I am in life, and trust God’s word. This too shall pass!! Thanks for the boost! I love you….

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