
No Trespassing

Recently, I read a life-changing quote that said, “Old Ways Can’t Open New Doors.”  Once my mind began to nibble on this delectable piece of wisdom, it resonated within my spirit.  The reason this saying captivated me so was this is exactly what the Holy Spirit has been telling me for the past six months.  So, to see this passage of wording out of the blue was confirmation to me.  Now, I understand why!   You see on Wednesday, I started working with a new team of colleagues.  As one who has worked in various corporate settings before, this is nothing new.  What makes this particular case unique is my approach.  Typically when I meet new staff, I make myself available all hours of the night; as well as, on the weekends.  Historically, I would go non-stop offering open access to my personal time.  As a result, the signs of Burn Out have become as common to me as checking the time on a clock.  However, I have vowed to myself, not this time!   With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, I am learning to embrace the Power of Boundaries.

A boundary is defined as  “the point at which something ends or beyond which it becomes something else.”  It has taken me 43 years to fully grasp that boundaries not only keep things out but also protect the assets within. For the sake of today’s message, the asset that I’m most referring to is time.  Although I am divorced and have no children, the assumption that some people tend to make of me is that I have an unlimited amount of time and money.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  After working long hours (often with a very abbreviated lunchtime), whatever free moments I have are balanced between my church commitments, multiple writing projects, and now…(cough) working out.  Obviously, I spend more time doing the first items than the later.  Hey…but there’s also hope, right! Quite frankly, I no longer have the freedom or desire to be available 24/7 to selfish supervisors, demanding church folks, etc.

Embracing the Power of Boundaries helps one to understand that we should protect our personal time in the same way we protect our loved ones, pets, home, finances, etc. Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”  A “time to every purpose” also includes our rest. If I happen to get in the bed at a decent hour, it feels like I’ve just won a race with the theme song from the “Chariots of Fire” playing in the background.  Here’s another tablespoon of scripture, Ephesians 5:15a ESV tells us, “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but wise, making the best use of the time…” 

Truth is, we are all busy, Beloved. Nevertheless, in order to be peaceful and productive, we must set boundaries.   How so, you might ask?  By guarding the after hour access to our personal time with a “No Trespassing” mindset.  Now, it goes without saying that we must first be in Godly order. We can’t go around boasting about time limitations without finishing our work and meeting specified deadlines.  Completing the tasks at hand is equally as important.  All in all, dearest, just remember that your time is just as precious as anyone else.  Therefore, it’s up to us to prevent others from trespassing on it longer they should.


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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