
Repost – Trick or Treat?

Can you believe this Saturday will be Halloween?  My, how time flies and things change!  For instance, when I was younger, I loved scary movies and ghoulish costumes.   Nowadays, I no longer celebrate Halloween and refuse to watch anything that will cause me to have nightmares.  But, there is one aspect of the grisly holiday that I’ve pondered over lately.  It’s none other than the saying, “Trick or Treat?”  More to the point, have you ever thought about the fact that as Single Christian Women, chances are we will either face a Trick or Treat when we date? How so, you might ask?

Ever thought about what happens when we become desperate for a man?  Instead of waiting on God to choose our future spouse, we decide to take matters into our own hands.  Problem with that though is that it exposes us to the tricks (or mess) of the Dating Game.  The same loneliness that drove us to get ahead of God in the first place will cause us to ignore signs that should tell us to run the other way.   Sometimes these signs or “tricks” can create emotional scars so deep it takes us years to heal.

Guess what though, Beloved?  It doesn’t always have to be like this!  We can experience the “treats” of a beautiful and satisfying relationship with a man.  Regardless, of what you have or haven’t experienced in the past.   You can have a happy, healthy, and sustaining partnership with the man you love, and as equally important, adores you.

When we allow the Creator of All Living Things to guide our path, it is impossible to fail, even at finding ‘Real Love.’  Recently, I had some co-workers to joke about starting a mission to find me a boyfriend.  Although I laughed along with them, I did tell them, in no uncertain terms, that I don’t need help finding a man.  Reality is, no woman does.  Yes, I did say no woman has a problem finding a man!  You see, dear heart, you can find an immature male anywhere, at anytime.  Whether it’s at the club or church, there’s always someone who’s willing to take advantage of a woman.  Now, like I’ve always said, we don’t do male bashing at this site, so let’s also look at the other side of the coin.  There are plenty of women out there who make a living using men as well.  To be clear, I’ve never agreed with nor promoted that type of mindset.

In getting back to the topic at hand, as Daughters of the Most High God, why should we settle for less?  That is why I let my colleagues to know, thank you…but no thanks!  It’s not that I didn’t appreciate their offer.  It’s just that I want the spiritual treats that only result when we are operate within the perimeters of God’s Will.  That’s precisely why David tell us in Psalms 27:14 NIV, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord.”  He could testify better than anyone about the faithfulness of our God.   King David knew that only our Magnificent Maker is truly capable of giving us the desires of our heart.

All in all sweet sister, Halloween will come and go.  But, that doesn’t mean we have to be at the mercy of the dating game, Trick or Treat for the rest of our life.  We can do own our thing, and regrettably learn more tricks that we ever cared to know.  Or, we can choose to ‘Wait I Say on the Lord,’ and live life with an abundance of treats (or blessings) ordained specifically for us by God.

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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