
Love or Lashings

Here’s an interesting fact.  The average tongue has between 2,000 to 10,000-taste buds. Contrary to popular belief, these micro nerve endings are not visible to the human eye.  In fact, those little pink and white bumps we see on our tongue are actually called papillae, hair-like projections that taste buds rest atop of inside the mouth.

Without the tongue, we would have difficulty eating, breathing and talking. It goes without saying that it is one of our most essential organs.  Spiritually, it is also one of the most powerful! My cousin Terry, who is more like my brother, once told me, “You have to be careful of the words you say because once they leave your mouth, you can’t take them back!”  You see Terry has a quiet but keenly observant nature.  Talking for him is like breaking a $100 dollar bill.  It is something he prefers not to do if even a choice.  He is easily one of the wisest men that I know.  Too bad none of that rubbed off on me.  I guess I was always too busy talking!   In terms of taking his advice about being careful with words, I’m ashamed to admit that I’d pretty much ignored it until recently.   What changed you might be wondering?  The answer is quite simple, the Holy Spirit.  Lately, He has been making me more aware of the Power of the Tongue, more specifically the words that are spoken by it.

Thursday night while I was praying for my family, I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit whisper the following question to me, “Do you use your tongue for Love or Lashings?” “What?” I instantly pondered.  Then He said, “Do you use your tongue to shower your family with love or hurtful lashings?”  Trust me, it took less than a second for me to realize that I (unfortunately) have spread the latter, hateful and hurtful lashings.  It was then I saw the battered body of Jesus Christ that had been beaten with the lashings of a whip.  In that moment, I realized that’s what I had done over the years to certain family members.  I had battered their spirits with a lashing of my tongue. Shamefully, I wept tears of regret. Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” It looks like my beloved cousin Terry was right all along.  “Once they (words) leave your mouth,” he warned, “you can’t take them back!”

After repenting, I humbly asked the Eternal Father to guide my tongue moving forward.  Maybe you, too, have been guilty of late in giving hurtful lashings to your loved ones.  If so, earnestly repent and ask for forgiveness.  Please notice that I said, “earnestly.”  Now…this certainly doesn’t mean we won’t mess up today, tomorrow or in the very near future.  Make no mistake, we will!   Knowing me, I’ll probably fail before my first cup of coffee this morning.  All this means is that over time, we’ll learn how to become more careful before we speak.  And wouldn’t that be something?  In particular since Proverbs 18:21 NIV says, “The tongue has the power of the life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” So, instead of spreading hateful lashings to those we love, let’s plant seeds of love and encouragement.  Ones that just might take root and help them (by the guidance of the Holy Spirit) to bare Fruits of Purpose.




Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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