
The Security Blanket

Although I strive to inspire others through the Word of God, you would be surprised at how much I need it as well.  The fact is I’m extremely flawed and fragile.  To make matters worse, the past seven years have been the hardest in all my life.  During this time I’ve endured a devastating divorce, had a near death experience, suffered multiple setbacks, and hardships.  And yet, through the many, many tears that I’ve shed, one thing has sustained me, my Security Blanket.  What might that be, you may wonder?  It is none other than the Holy Word of God.  It is the one thing of the Lord that we can feel and see.

When a child feels lonely or anxious, they often cling to a ‘Security Blanket.’  This term is defined as a “familiar blanket or other piece of soft fabric held by a young child as a source of comfort.”  According to a recent online article, “Security objects are used by toddlers to relieve tension and anxiety.”  Well, I haven’t been a small child in well over forty years.  But, let me assure you, we adults can sometimes experience tension and anxiety, too.  Hence the reason I often times refer to myself as “God’s Clingy Child,” as I am always in need of His presence in my life.  Maybe you, too, have moments when you’re in need of a source of comfort?  If so, allow me to introduce to some or remind others about the best “security object” ever created, the Bible.

Joshua 1:8 (NIV) says, “Do not let this Book of Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful.”  In other words, regardless of what that supervisor thinks about your future career path, family member, former friend, or significant other, if we are careful to be obedient to the Word of God, we will be “prosperous and successful.”  That is in spite of your lack of finances, resources, family support, and limited social network.

When God draws up the plan designs for our destiny, not one single thing in this universe (neither earthly nor spiritual) can stop and/or change them.  The Bible is the Spiritual Atlas to our future. It guides us to the Path of Righteousness and Everlasting Peace.

The great philosopher Socrates once wrote, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”   No matter what satan or anyone under his demonic rule tries to sling at us today and/or this week.  Don’t you dare waste your precious time “fighting the old.”  Let’s instead, make a decision right here and now.  A conscious choice that no matter how cold those under worldly influence may treat us; we will keep safe, warm and comforted from the downy freshness of our “Security Blanket.”


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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