
Two Blocks Down the Street

Earlier this week, I was on the phone with one of my Sorority Sisters.  We reminisced about how far the Lord has brought us from our college days. While chuckling over crazy memories, I confessed to her that I still had a long way to go. “In fact,” I said, “I sometimes feel like I’ve only gone two blocks down the street from where I was in life before He saved me.”  I guess that’s why I can never ride the high horse of self-righteousness for too long.  Like clockwork, I’m always bucked and thrown off as a result of my own shortcomings.   “Even still,” I continued, “I praise God that I’m not where I used to be!”

Let’s pause here for a second.  If you’re perhaps wondering just how far is a block, here’s something that may be of assistance.  According to one source, “Engineers estimate that a typical city block is 100,000 sq. ft., which is about 17 blocks per mile or 2 ¼ acres.”  When considering these measurements, it’s easy to interpret that “two blocks down the street” isn’t very far at all.  Hence, the reason I like to use this analogy to describe my spiritual progress.  It’s a personal reminder of how far I still have to go in my journey with Jesus Christ.

Do you ever feel like you haven’t gone far enough on your Path to Salvation?  If so, you’ve arrived at the right place.  Let’s take a moment to sit down and catch our breath while we enjoy the beauty of God’s Word.  One of my favorite scriptures is what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:14 NIV, which says, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  He didn’t say I’ve arrived at the high calling of God and have circled around it several times.  No, he instead wrote, “I press toward the mark…” In other words, he is acknowledging that although it hasn’t been easy, I press.


Maybe you are saying, “I’ve been talked about and lied on, but still I press.”

“Even though my spouse or significant other doesn’t treat me right, I press.”

“Although I have to deal with an egotistical supervisor, I press.”

“Even when my kids act like they’ve lost their minds, I press.”


Quite frankly, Beloved, I don’t know exactly how far I’m come since making Christ the head of my life.  I do know with absolute certainty that I am nowhere near the place that He brought me from.  I would also venture to say that neither are you.  All in all, we should be comforted in knowing that our “pressing” is not in vain.   Isn’t it good to know that no matter how short the distance is that we’ve traveled, as long as we are humble, obedient and earnest to the ways of God, we will eventually cross the Finish Line into Heaven?

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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