
I Dare You to Choose Peace!

While driving home one day last week, I was so distracted pondering over the stressful aspects of my day that I completely missed my intended exit…or so I had originally thought.   “Awwww….man!” I exclaimed in frustration. Due to this simple error, I had unwittingly tacked on another 15-minutes to my otherwise 45-minute commute. As nighttime descended, the gorgeous sky previously streaked with deep purple and crimson hues quickly faded into a star-studded backdrop. As I continued my slow progression down the crowded Dallas highway, I accepted the fact that it was going to be awhile before I made it to my apartment.

Cars inched forward like children waiting in line to use the restroom. Unfortunately, I was still under a mental cloud of stress. Although I had left work for the day, work had not obviously left me. “Uaaaargh…I should have taken the time to do this…I forgot to do that….I still have to finish doing those!” I began to think miserably.   Then suddenly, the traffic came to a forced halt. Whatever was going on ahead of us, we weren’t going anywhere any time soon. As I continued to review my mental ‘To Do List’ for the next day, I felt a presence in the car with me. My thoughts instantly became muted and body perfectly still.   There was no music on…just dead silence.   Out of the blue, I had the urge to glance to the right.

Shining through the darkness of my closed window was a lit sign in teal blue letters that read, “Regional Dialysis Center.” Then I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me, “Why are you worried when you really don’t have any real problems?”  I then understood that I was supposed to travel that specific route that night.  In that moment, God lovingly but firmly chastened me. He took my mind off where I was at the moment (sitting comfortably in my car) to where I could have been (at the Regional Dialysis Center receiving life-sustaining treatment).   He reminded me that peace is a choice, not an option.

After I received what the Holy Counselor said, my spirit instantly settled down like an infant taking a much-needed nap. It was truly a moment that I pray I will never forget. My dear friend, are you stressed about something right now? Has a problem invaded your life like an unwanted guest who refuses to go home? If so, I have something that can help you…the Holy Word of God.   Proverbs 16:7 NIV promises, “When a man’s ways please the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” Is that not powerful? Even if that enemy includes your supervisor, co-worker, in-law, neighbor, family member, back-stabbing former friend, church member…you name it!   It doesn’t matter who or what it is, our Eternal Ruler can command everyone and everything to be at peace with you. Therefore, no matter how to this day starts and/or ends, we must make pleasing the Lord our number one priority. And, just how do we do that, you may wonder? Simply ask yourself, what would He want me not to say? How would He want me to behave differently today than I did from last week? Who would He want me to apologize to?

When we earnestly do this and truly live according to His Will, He will bless you, me…us beyond all worldly understanding. We can then walk in the abundance and protection of His power, no matter what the world throws at us. That’s why I Dare You to Choose Peace over any problem you’re dealing with today. For peace will not only keep your mind, but it will also empower your soul!


Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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8 thoughts on “I Dare You to Choose Peace!

  1. kaychele

    I love this. You put so eloquently in to words what I think about so often. I try to remember all my blessings but so many times we don’t choose peace. I will think of this next time and choose peace! Thanks Tasha!

  2. Patsy

    Powerful words. It’s so hard to find peace in today’s society. As the bible says. Peace be still. In other words we have to be still for the comfort of God to overcome us. Learning to be patience.

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