
The Difference Between Was and Who

A cousin and I recently had a conversation about the mistakes of our youth. “The thing that hurts me most,” she shared, “is that sometimes people still judge me for the way I ‘was’, rather than ‘who’ I am today.” “That’s because for some people,” I explained, “ it is easier to have a Spirit of Correction rather than a Godly Spirit of Compassion.” You see, I should know. Although I am ashamed to confess it, I used to be one of those Christians infested by a Spirit of Correction. It was much easier for me to dissect the shortcomings of others under a judgmental microscope instead of examining my own faults.

Although I still struggle in this area today, the Lord is slowly but surely breaking me of this self-righteous trait. How so, you might wonder? Well, it’s quite simple really. I just think about all the things that I’ve done, bad decisions I’ve made, and it’s enough to make me want to spank my own rear end. And yet, although I am most undeserving, God still has mercy on me.  This is why I am trying to learn how to speak less and open my heart more.

After sharing this with my cousin, I encouraged her by offering the following advice: Let’s just thank God that we are no longer bound by our “Was,” which is officially defined as the “past tense of be.” Isn’t it good to know that no matter what we used to be, it doesn’t have to contaminate who we are today?

Here’s some food for thought! If you take the letters w-h-o and rearranged them, you will then get the word, “h-o-w.” In a nutshell, it is the method of “how” that determines rather or not we are truly transformed from was (past) to who (present)! Do you see where I’m going with this? Not quite? Okay, think about it like this.

Romans 8:1-2 NIV says, “Therefore, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Essentially, this means we are no longer shackled to our past but are free to explore God’s Plan for our future.

So, Beloved, if you’re in need of a word of comfort today, may I encourage you as I did my sweet cousin. Just remember, there is a huge difference between Who and Was. Was kept us bound by who we used to be.  However, depending on How obedient we are to God’s Word today, will determine Who we become tomorrow.  Then and only then, will we walk in our purpose with a future as bright as the sun!

Daughter of Jesus Christ and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Aspiring Author and Blogger. Just finished my first manuscript. Hope to publish soon!

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